The Mind

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He was trying not to scream. But the pain was so intense, like all his muscles were being torn at once. He was biting down hard on his finger, drawing blood with his newfound fangs. Fangs? He poked at his teeth. Sure enough, fangs. He shot backwards, hitting his head on the floor.

Why did he do that? It felt like someone had pushed him. He looked up. Pink. It looked exactly like him. But pink. It was like the time in whites ship... is he dreaming? Had he passed out when his head crashed to the floor?

The pain he felt all over? No, this was no dream. He felt his stomach, and sure enough, his gem has still there. Was he hallucinating from the bonk on the head? Just then, Pink walked up to Twoie and picked him up by the scruff of his shirt. Twoie stared at him in disbelief. "P..Pi-hRrNg!-ink?"

The gems eyes focused on his. "No. Steven." He corrected. He tilted his head as of it was obvious. Twoie, still in immense pain, grunted and  nodded. The gem dropped him, making him scream out. The gem stared down at him in disgust. He could see horns on the pink gem as well as he looked back up at him.

"You did this to us." The gem stated. All Twoie could do is grunt in response, sitting up and clutching his head on both sides. "Why?" He asked Twoie. No answer, other than a whimper and growl. "Why." He questioned again, more bluntly. " y-you did this!" As soon as Twoie got his sentance out, the gem kicked him back down to the ground.

"S-stop! How are you here?" Twoie howled out as the gem kicked him to the floor. He grabbed Twoie again, this time by the neck, choking him. "How are you here?" The pink half asks bluntly. "And why are you here?" Twoie looked at him with a weak smile, coughing. "Been- krrghg, been a-asking myself the sa- hggk, same thing, aha..." he whispered out. In response, the other half dropped him to the floor again, this time throwing him. He landed face first, howling out in pain.

"Why a-are you, hah, why are you doing this?" The pink half furrowed his brows. "Distraction. From that." He pointed at the growing horns on his arms. Ah, he's right, he'd almost forgot about that. "Well, y-you're doing a h-hEll of a bAd jjjjob..." he squeezed out, thinking his chest and wheezing in pain. His body was growing and contorting, howling out in pain.

"I tried. I've failed. Noted." The pink man nodded, staring at the human. Twoie looked back up with pleading eyes. "P-please... me- hRk!" The pink half tilts his head as the other speaks. "There is nothing I can do." In an 'uh, duh?' tone. "OaaUAHHG!" The human half howls out in pain. This causes the gem to recoil backwards a bit in surprise.

The only thing the gem could think of doing to help him was punch him again. Which he did, in the face. This causes the human to fall backwards, gripping his head. "Augh! Why did you d-DO THAT!?" He grunted, wiping blood from his nose. "Hm. My apologies. I assumed violence would be the answer." "WELL IT, HRNNGG, ISN'T IS IT?" "I suppose it is not. You are correct." He watched the humans body contort and grow, cringing at the site. "I do not know what do to." Pink admitted. "I, huhhh.... I already figure t-that OUT!" As he screamed, he watched spikes jut out of the human's back, blood spewing everywhere. He watched the spikes grow and morph on his back in silence as the other whimpered and howled in pain.

All he could see was black as he felt the spikes jut out all over his body and his skin scale over in pink, well, scales. He whined animalisticly and groaned in pain. He clawed at the ground with his sharp pink claws. He felt blood gush over his face from the horns on his forehead. It felt like a waterfall over his head. He also spat blood out of his mouth from when the gem punched him in the face. He was biting his tongue when he did, so a peice of his of his tongue fell off, but was immediately grown over by a newer forked tongue.

He felt holes rip open on his face. Four to be exact as he looked at his phone and saw six beady eyes staring back at him through the dim black screen. He gasped and shot backwards and fell on his back, the horns on his back sticking into the ground sticking him there. He felt something rip open skin beside the end of his tailbone and burst out, what felt like a tail.

The pink half sat there, unable to speak. He walked over to the human and carefully picked him up, placing him into a sitting position. As he did this, he heard a gasp outside. He snapped his gaze over at the door as it opened slightly, and someone stepped in and gasped again.

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