The Sights

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Twoie always liked silence. He always liked nights like these, quiet, and alone with his thoughts. He laid there, staring out the beach house's window at the calming waves rolling onto the warm sand, and the pitch black sky with white spots.

Stars. Stars were always apart of his life. Whether it be on his and his friends clothing, or nights where he couldn't sleep and went out to sit on the beach to stare at them. This was one of those nights.

He stood up slowly, looking back at Steven's room. He could just about see him, asleep. He smiled. He missed this, back when times were much simpler for him. Well? Simpler is putting it lightly. Everyone was trying to kill him back then. But, simple as in he always had something to do. He used to be terrified of being alone with his thoughts, and ever since the war ended, that happened constantly. But now that he had accepted his thoughts, he wasn't so afraid of them anymore. He liked them now. It was peacful.

He slowly walked towards the door and opened it silently, then closing it gently, turning around to face the sights of the beautiful beach. He smiled again and trotted over to the sand, carefully sitting down in it. "Okay," He says aloud. "You wanted to talk. So, let's talk."

A bright white light enveloped him, and his two halves sat across from each other, face-to-face. "Hello, Steven." Pink greeted. "Hi." He greets back. "So," Pink started. "Do you want to talk about it?" Pink asked him, seeming genuine. "Do... do you, Pink?" Pink sighed as he spoke. "Only if you do." Twoie chuckled. Pink nodded, a small smile. He didnt know he was capable of showing emotions.

"Alright." Pink started. Twoie listened. Pink looked down at his hands. He grimaced at the claws on the end of his fingertips. "This can't be what you wanted." He frowned. "Why didnt you get help?" "I am getting help..." Twoie sighed, and so did Pink. "That's not exactly what I mean," pink continued. "You were looking for someone to talk to, your therapist, but what you need is emotional support. From someone who knows what you're going through." Twoie listened intently, though he didnt want to. Twoie frowned back. "Your therapist wont help everything, neither do you or I. Sometimes you need to rely on friends and family," he started back up after a few seconds of silence. "Not all the time, though. Like with the permafusion nonsense." Twoie cringed as he recalled the failed proposal. "I know that you don't like to talk about your feelings to your family much," he sighed. Twoie knew that was true, he felt like a burden at any slight mention of his problems. "But sometimes it's necessary to stop you from spiraling, like.." he pointed at the small beach house. "...what happened up there."

He sighed as he followed Pinks gaze. "You're right," he huffed as his eyes fell back upon the pink man before him. "I'll talk to them. We'll talk to them. Thanks, Pink."

"Heh, thank you, Steven."

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