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We're sitting in our music class, ready to show our song to the class. Before us though, EXO goes first. They made a song called 'Growl', a lot of the girls in the class really like this song, or maybe just their group in general.

Next, it was our go. We give the USB to the teacher and he plugs it in.

We sit back down, the production video is playing, it shows us stressing out about the backing track until we found something.

Then it shows the lyric process, us all humming different melodies and figuring out of it would work or not.
Then, it cuts to us signing a bit, it shows me hitting the high note.

Then, the song plays. I'm so nervous. We listen through it all and once it's over, we get a massive applause from the class, "(Y/n) sounded so good!" One of the girls shout. "I know right?!" Another one says, "She should become an idol!"

We have to go up and explain what is song is about, Namjoon steps forward, "This song, it symbolises how we want to be ourselves, we don't want to change for anyone nor do we want people to change for us."

"IDOL, can also symbolise 'I DO Love myself' if you break apart the letters." Tae says, "It shows that we well, love ourselves and wouldn't want to change that."

"Such a wonderful song with a wonderful meaning..." The teacher says, "You are all certainly very talented, I think you should audition (Y/n)."

"Audition?!" I ask, "For what?"

"To become an Idol." He says.

I stand there, confused out of my mind, I'm nothing special, I can't become an idol. "There's no way." I say, "Sorry for the informal language but..."

"Just think about it." He says smiling, "I'm sure you'd get in."

I nod and we make our way back to the seats.

Class ends all all of the boys but Yoongi habe left the classroom. Suddenly, Kai comes up to me, "Didn't know you could sing that good."

"Thanks." I feel my face heating up.

"Maybe we should hang out sometime? Over the weekend or after school." He says smiling.

"Sure, I'd like that." I say, looking up at him and smiling.

"Here, I'll give you my number and tell me whenever you are free."

I give him my phone, he goes into my contacts and types his phone number, he's smirking while doing so, quite creepy if you ask me.

"Here you go!" He says, passing my phone back to me, I smile at the name he put himself as, 'Nini💗'.

"Thanks, I'll message you when I'm free next!"

He smiles at me and leaves the room. I continue packing up my stuff with a smile, "Stop smiling." I hear someone say, I jump and look at Yoongi who is leaning on his desk.

"Oh, you're still here Yoongi." I say.

"Yes, I was here the entire time."


"I told you it's stupid how flustered you get when with Kai."


"You just don't understand do you? You're so stupid."


"Just, hurry up."

"You're waiting for me?"

"What? Yes."

I smile to myself, Yoongi is being nice to me, "Stop smiling and hurry up."


I finish packing up and we walk to the cafeteria together, I sit down next to Jungkook and smile while eating my lunch.

"(Y/n)?" Jimin asks, "Everything okay?"

"Everything is perfect." I say sighing with happiness.

"Ew." Yoongi says.

I ignore him and the others are confused.

"What happened?" Taehyung asks leaning forward.

"Kai, asked to give me his number and now we'll hang out when we're both free." I say smiling.

"I told you-"

"Yoongi, don't ruin this for her!" Jin exclaims hitting the boy on the back of his head.

Yoongi scoffs and continues eating.

"Well, I think it's great your making friends." Namjoon says smiling.

"Thanks Joonie." I say smiling.

"For one, I don't think he wants to be friends." Yoongi says sighing.

"What do you mean?"

"Have a look." He says moving is head towards a table.

I look where Yoongi motioned too, I see Kai sitting with his friends, a girl walks up to them and Kai stands up, he takes the girls phone. He then gives the girl a hug.
I watch the girl go back to her group of friends, smiling, just as I was.

"Look, maybe they are going to be friends." I say eating, "Besides Kai is a good guy."

"Why don't you listen?!" He yells, everyone looks at Yoongi, "You're really stupid aren't you?"

I watch him stand up and leave the cafeteria. I put my chopsticks down and sigh, "What's the matter with him?!"
I put my forehead in my hand and put my elbows on the table.

"It's okay (Y/n), I'll go talk to him." Hoseok says standing up. I watch him leave.

I walk over to the music room, I look through the window and see Yoongi sitting by the piano. I open the door and walk in.

"Yoongi, what's wrong?" I ask taking a chair and sitting down next to him.

"(Y/n)." He says looking at the piano's keys.

"What's wrong with (Y/n)?"

"I don't know." He says.

"You know (Y/n) gets really upset when you're mean to her?"

"I know."

"So why?"

"Just. Stop Hoseok." He says sighing, "I don't know why I do it, I just do."

He never calls me Hoseok, he usually called me Hobi... maybe I pressed too hard, Yoongi is sensitive.

"I'm sorry." I say sighing, "I just want you to know, she gets pretty upset."

He sighs and shuts his eyes, "I don't know how to change."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know my own feelings anymore."

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