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It's been ages, the boys have debuted and we have graduated school. I myself have started to write music, we have decided to move in together, but don't worry, I still own my old house.
I'm known to the world as '(L/n) (Y/n)' or 'Bangtan's friend'.

Yoongi's still mean to me, he hasn't changed, no ones really changed at all since high school, it's really nice.

I'm sitting in my home studio listen to what I have made to far, it's a good song, not going to lie but it's missing something...

"(Y/n)!!" Namjoon shouts, "Are you awake?!"

I get out of the studio and go down to the living room, "Yea, I am."

"Are you still working on the song?" He asks.

"Yes, I am, it's almost done." I say smiling.

"Good, because I have another task for you." Namjoon says smiling, "I want you to make a cover of IDOL with Yoongi."

"What?!" I exclaim. All of the boys look at me, I realise Yoongi isn't here, "Does he know?!"

"No, but he'll do it because Jin will make him."

"Why?" I ask, "Why Yoongi?"

"We want you both to be friends, so, Jin cake up with the idea to do this." Namjoon says, "It will be a fun project, it won't be realised to the world, don't worry! But you're pretty famous anyways!"


"Yeah, you're famous, sure!"

"I'm not famous Joonie." I say.

"How many people listen to your music? How many followers do you have on Instagram?" I sit there for a while, "Exactly, you're famous."

"For what? Me being 'BTS' friend'? Or for my actual music?"

"You're music of course."

"Whatever you say."

I stand up and go to the kitchen to have breakfast, after eating, I'll go back up to the studio and muck around with the song, I want to forget about the collab with Yoongi.
I pour some cereal into a bowl and put some milk in it, I sit down and start eating while scrolling thorough Instagram.

Once I finish, I take my bowl and put it in the sink, I then go back up to the studio, "Don't tell me you're doing the song again?!" I hear Kookie shout.

"I am!" I shout back.

"Come on (Y/n)! Have a day off!"

I look back, "Why?"

"You've been working hard everyday for this song! Came hang with us today!"

Suddenly, a door next to me opens, "Can you stop yelling."

I see Yoongi looking down at me, "I'm sorry Yoongi."

"Of you're going to talk, talk with them, not screaming at them."

"I'm sorry." I lower my head and walk away to the studio, why doesn't Yoongi have to be like this?!

It's been maybe an hour since I left the boys, but, I finally found what I was looking for! I instantly shout with happiness.

"Everything okay?!" I hear someone shout.

"Yeah! It's almost done!" I shout back, listening through the song.

It's now close to lunch and someone barges into the studio, "Mind telling me about this collab?" They say.

I turn around in my swivel chair and see Yoongi, he looks annoyed. "No, they told me this morning."

He sighs, "Why don't we just get it over and done with?"

"But, my song..."

"Forget about that, this is important okay?"

"Right..." I say, I feel tears come to my eyes. "Can you, get the track ready? I'll be back soon..."


"Just, I'll be back in a few minutes..." I walk past him with my head lowered and I go to my bedroom, it's shared with Namjoon and Taehyung.

I shut the door and lock it, I go to the mirror and look at my face, are my songs really not that important? Do people really not care about them? I sigh and go to my bed. I lay down and start crying.

"Do you have a key?" I hear someone say from the other side.

"No, but Namjoon and Tae could, maybe ask (Y/n) too." Another says.

"That's the problem, I think (Y/n) is in there."

"What did you do Yoongi?!"

"Calm down Hobi, I accidentally said something that probably upset her, only because I was frustrated, then, she told me she'll be back in a few minutes, it's almost been an hour!"

I sit up and look at the door, "Well, I don't have a key. Sorry Yoonie."

"No problem..."

I stand up and walk to the door. I unlock it and open it, "What is it?" I ask to the boys standing in front of me.

"(Y/n/n)..?" Hobi says looking at my tear stained face, "Have you been crying?"

"No." I say, "It's just water." I'm lying to them...

"Water?" Hobi says, "But..."

"I washed by face."

"For an hour?!" Yoongi exclaims, "That's bullshit!"

I flinch when he starts to yell. "I feel asleep."

"After washing your face and forgetting to dry it?!" Yoongi yells again, "Don't lie!"

Suddenly the others come running up the stairs, "What's happening?!" Jin exclaims, "(Y/n)..?"

"Nothing's wrong okay? We can start the song tomorrow." I say to Yoongi, "Goodnight."

I shut the door but he stops it with his foot, "Don't lie."

"I'm not." I push the door but he doesn't budge. "Yoongi... please..."

He sighs and lets his foot leave. I shut the door and lock it, I climb back into to bed and wait for them to leave.

"What did you do?" I hear someone say.

"I said something accidentally, it's what because I was frustrated." I assume Yoongi says.

"What did you say?"

"I told her to forget about her song and that this is more important..."

The others gasp. I feel tears coming to my eyes.

"Why Yoongi..?" Someone says.

"I don't know, it slipped and I wasn't paying attention, I don't know what's wrong with me anymore..."

I hear someone walk away, I guess it was Yoongi, I shut my eyes and go back to sleep.

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