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Bangtan and I arrive at a park, today's episode had something to do with dog training.

Soon enough, Hobi starts off the episode, we start with trying to harmonise the title but Hobi yet again destroys it.

"So, before we introduce our guests for today, this episode, we are joined with someone her special to us. (L/n) (Y/n)!"

"Hello!" I say bowing.

"(Y/n), you said you have a dog back home in Busan." Hope says.

"Yes I do." I say smiling.

"What's it's name?" Yoongi asks.

"Nuni, a white husky." I take out my phone and show them a picture.

" I take out my phone and show them a picture

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"Aww!" They all exclaim.

"It is (L/n) Nuni." Yoongi says.

"Exactly!" I say giving him a finger gun.

Hobi then explains what we are doing, he introduces two dog trainers and they come out with 8 dogs. The owners introduce the dogs, we have Poly the retriever, Adam the royal British dog, Miri and poodle, Demy, Nuri the border collie, Chopa the corgi, Bongbong the Labrador and Minji the the Samoyed.

"Before we start, are there any specialty tricks your pet can do?" Namjoon asks the group.

"Paw!" Jungkook shouts.

"My sog can't understand 'come here'." Namjoon says, I chuckle.

"My dog Mickey can high-five." Hobi says.

"My dog can play dead." I say, everyone gasps and looks at me.

"Premium dog trainer over here!" Taehyung shouts.

"My Holly can do B-boying." Yoongi says. I start laughing, "That's true."

The director tells us about a quiz, a common sense quiz before we play with the dogs, "How can a dog tell the time?"

"Me!" Jin shouts, "When they're hungry."

"The way. How to tell the time." The director specifies the question.

"Suga!" Yoongi yells, "They refer to a watch."

Hobi and I start laughing. Yoongi looks at me and pats my shoulder, "I like her reaction."

Hobi says something about temperature and I start jumping and screaming my name while my arm is up.

"Yes? (Y/n)?"



Everyone claps and are wowing. "Next question, when stressed a dog has this."

"Pimple?" Jungkook asks.

"Allergic reaction?" Yoongi says.

We discuss for a bit until Jungkook puts his hand up, "White hair!"

"A dog can read a persons face."

We all say yes, but Hobi is so sure about it.

"When I'm sad, my dog is sad too." I say.

"When are you sad?" Yoongi asks smiling.

I give him a smile and the others laugh. "Last question. What colours can dogs see?"

Jungkook gets its correct with yellow, green and grey. Jungkook got two right so he won, a staff members comes out and gives him good dog treats.

It's now time to pair up with a dog. The first pair is Jimin and Poly, the second pair is Jin and Adam, the third pair is me and Minjee, the fourth pair is Jungkook and Miri, the fifth pair is Hobi and Nuri, the sixth pair is Yoongi and Demi, the seventh pair is Taehyung and Chopa and the last pair is Namjoon and Bongbong.

We get thirty minutes to build trust with the dog. I take Minjee to a corner and we start doing tricks. I also walk her around and jog with her. Minjee and I are bonding well.

Now, we are sitting in a semi circle, Minjee our her head on my lap while she lays down. I stroke her and kiss her. She's so cute.
We are doing what they cal etiquette class, there are 5 challenges and those who get the most get to go onto the agility course.

First, we are doing wait. Adam and Jin so first, not going to lie, it doesn't go well.
Now, Demi and Suga are going. They succeed and Yoongi goes to congratulate her. He immediately then changes back to his stone cold heart.
Next is Chopa and V. They pass as well. Now, it is my turn. "Sit. Good girl." I start to walk away, and I stand still for ten seconds. Everyone cheers, "Minjee!!"

I squat and she runs over to me, I give her a hug and many pets.
Now it is Bongbong and RM, they are able to complete the challenge.
It is now, Nuri and JHope's turn, they succeed even though Jin was trying to distract Nuri with a treat.
Poly and Jimin, unfortunately, they don't succeed with 2 seconds left! How frustrating.
Lastly, it is Miri and Jungkook's turn, of course, they succeed.

We go through all five, and of course, I have collected all the badges, the winners of this round and me, JHope and V.

We now go to grab a drink and have a break while the agility course is being set up. Suddenly, a camera comes over to me while Yoongi and I are talking, Minjee and Demi are with us.

"Oh, hello!" I say smiling.

"Let's talk about the cover song." The director says.

"Rose of (Y/s/n)?" Yoongi asks.

"Yeah, unless you've done another one."

"We've done two." Yoongi says, "The first one is IDOL, then we made Rise of (Y/s/n), but IDOL wasn't released."

I nod. "Yeah, it was fun though."

"Why did you make cover songs?"

"Well, it was Jin and Namjoon's idea. I think they didn't want Yoongi and I to argue or anything so they made us cover songs." I say.

"It works to say the least." Yoongi says.

"Now we're good friends!" I say and Yoongi puts an arm around my shoulders.

The camera man and director go away.

We quickly finish the episode and head back to the house.

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