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Yoongi and I are currently recording lyrics for our cover of IDOL, while doing this, he's not that mean anymore, I guess Namjoon and Jin were right...

"(Y/n), how about we split the raps?" Yoongi asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask smiling.

"Like, you do Joon's and my part, and I do Hobi's and Joon's second part."

"I can give it a shot!" I say smiling.

He hands me the page of lyrics, I go up to the microphone and Yoongi gives me a thumbs up, "You can call me artist, you can call me idol, 암님 어떤 다른 뭐라 해도 I don't care."

I step back and look at Yoongi, he presses a button and gives me a small smile, "That was really good, let's continue."

I smile and head back to the microphone, he gives me another thumbs up and I tap his verse, "손가락질 해, 나는 전혀 신경 쓰지 않네, 나를 육하는 너의 그 이유가 뭐든 간에."

"Let's continue!" Yoongi shouts over the music playing in my headphones, I give him a thumbs up.

"뭘 어쩌고 저쩌고 떠들어대져. I do what I do, "그니까 넌 너나 잘하져. You can't stop me loving myself! Hooh hooh~" I breath in, "You can't stop me loving myself! Hooh hooh~" Again, "You can't stop me loving myself! Oh oh uwa, oh oh uwa uwa, oh oh uwa. Oh oh uwa, oh oh uwa uwa, oh oh uwa."

Yoongi stops the recording and I get a drink, "Should you record your parts?" I ask opening the bottle.

"Yeah, I'll go ahead now, you know how this stuff works right?" He asks.

"Yes I do." I say smiling.

I walk over to the desk and start the song from the beginning, I watch Yoongi put his headphones on and I press the play and record button, I give him and thumbs up and he nods. "I'm proud of it, 난 자유롭네, no more irony, 나는 항상 나였기에." He listend to his part and smiles, "I know what I am, I know what I want, I never gonna change, I'm never gonna trade."

The choirs comes, "얼쑤 좋다!" He smiles, "지화자 좋다! Oh oh uwa, oh oh uwa uwa, oh oh uwa, 덩기덕 쿵더러러. Oh oh uwa, oh oh uwa uwa, oh oh uwa, 덩기덕 쿵더러러."

We go back to the start so he can do the echos when I'm singing, now, we start the next section. I get up and go to the microphone.

He gives me a thumbs up, "Face off 마치 오우삼, ay
top star with that spotlight, ay, 때론 슈퍼히어로가 돼, 돌려대 너의 Anpanman."

I sway while waiting for the next part, "I love myself, I love my fans, love my dance and my what, 내 속안엔 몇 십 몇 백명의 내가 있어."

I wait then continue. "뭘 어쩌고 저쩌고 떠들어대져. I do what I do, "그니까 넌 너나 잘하져. You can't stop me loving myself! Hooh hooh~" I breath in, "You can't stop me loving myself! Hooh hooh~ You can't stop me loving myself! Oh oh uwa, oh oh uwa uwa, oh oh uwa. Oh oh uwa, oh oh uwa uwa, oh oh uwa."

I take off the headphone and Yoongi goes to the mic, the countdown starts and I give him a thumbs up, "24시간이 적지, 헷갈림, 내겐 사치, I do my thang, I love myself." He listens to the part that I sang, "오늘 또 다른 날 맞이해, 어차피 전부 다 나이기에, 고민보다는 걍 달리네, runnin' man, runnin' man, runnin' man."

His songs the chorus as before, this time adding the echos in the pre-chorus so we don't have to go back to record them.

"Do you think it would be best to leave the bridge till last?" I ask, "You said something about a super high note and that echoing throughout the last chorus."

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