Chapter 24

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Y/n's eyes shoot open.

Shit shit shit shit not now please.

She swiftly sits up and takes the sheets off her bed, balling them up, and carrying them with her into the bathroom.

She lights a candle and sets it down as she fills the tub with water.

She strips down and adds her clothes to the pile.

She steps into the tub.

"God dammit." She breathes out, running her fingers through her hair.

"God dammit!" She whisper yells, slamming her fist down onto the side of the tub.

She leans her head back as tears start to fall from her eyes.

How could I have been so stupid!? How could I forget it was coming? What the hell am I supposed to do? How am I gonna get it cleaned in the middle of the night?

She lets out a soft sob as she looks down at the pinkish water.

"Y/n?" She hears a voice call out in the dark.

She lets out a soft yelp.

"You scared the shit out of me what the hell!" She whisper yells to the boy.

He walks over, stepping into the dim candle light so y/n could see who he was.

Racetrack Higgins.

His face suddenly flushes as he looks at the pile of bloody clothes and then to the girl in the tub.

"Shit... is that blood? Are you bleeding?!" He panics, rushing to her side and grabbing her face, trying to examine it.

"I'm fine Race really." She says softly. Her face is completely red. This is so fucking embarrassing.

He runs his hand up and down her arm in attempt to comfort the girl.

"Are youse hurt?" He asks softly.

"No Race, it's just.... that time..." she says awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

His eyes widen in realization.

"Oh y/n I'm so sorry!" He stammers. His face is as red as a tomato.

He sits on the ground next to the tub and takes her hand in his.

"Is there anythin youse want me ta do?" He asks her, rubbing circles on her hand with his thumb.

"You don't have to Racer it's fine. It's my fault. I forgot to-" she starts but is cut off.

"It ain't your fault beautiful." He says smiling at her and moving his hand up to her face, wiping away a tear that fell with his thumb and then pushing some hair behind her ear.

She blushes and smiles back.

He caresses the side of her face as the two just stay their, lost in each others eyes.

Race starts to lean in, slowly.

"What's goin on in heya?" A tired voice calls from the dark.

The two quickly snap out of it, looking over and seeing an exhausted looking Jack standing there.

"Oh shit-" his eyes land on the pile of bloody sheets then flickering to the girl in the tub.

He hurried over, kneeling next to her.

"Are you okay?!" He frantically asks.

Race rolls his eyes.

Y/n giggles and nods.

"It's that time again- yay!" She says sarcastically.

Jack's face turns bright red.

"Oh- is there something Ise can do ta help?" He asks.

"You both don't have to. I can handle it." She forces a smile.

The two boys look at each other and then back at her.

"Nah n/n wese gonna help ya."


Between the boys it was decided; by an intense rock paper scissors match; that Race would take the sheets out and wash them. (They were both fine with cleaning it, it wasn't that big of a deal to them; the reason they had fought was for who could spend the time comforting y/n).

Y/n felt terrible and told him she could do it, but Race insisted.

He kissed y/n on the head; causing Jack to glare; before walking away with the pile.

Jack turned back to y/n.

He smiled at her before getting up and grabbing a towel.

He hands it to her and then walks out of the room to give her time to get covered.

She steps out of the tub and dries off a little, then she wraps the towel around her chest.

Just then Jack walks in with a fresh pair of clothes and underwear for her.

She smiles at him.

"Thanks for the help Jackie." She says hugging him before making her way to a stall.

He smiles to himself.


She walks out after a few minutes and walks over to Jack.

She hugs him.

"Thank you for you're help Ise appreciate it." She smiles into his chest.

He tightens his grip on her.

"Anytime." He replies.


Race walks back in after a few moments.

"So uh- where am I gonna sleep?" She asks hesitantly, looking at the boys.

"Youse can sleep with me-" they say at the same time and then turn towards each other, glaring.

This then causes another intense rock paper scissors match.

She giggles and then rolls her eyes. She leaves the two and walks into the bunk room.

She slowly crawls into bed with Crutchie, wrapping her arms around his torso.

His eyes flutter open as he looks at the girl.

He laughs softly and wraps his arms around her waist, cuddling her close.

He falls asleep again within seconds.

She rests her forehead on his chest and closes her eyes.

After a few minutes she falls asleep too.


Jack and Race look around; confused as to where y/n went.

They walk into the bunk room and see her fast asleep in Crutchie's bed.

The chuckle to themselves before heading back to their own beds.

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