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"𝓗𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭

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"𝓗𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭."

I had a brother.

But now I don't.

It's funny how things like that happen.

One minute they're there, and alive, and giving you encouraging words... and the next...

They're nothing.  

Losing a loved one is like trying to erase a problem, but the mark never truly goes away.  And if you keep trying to erase that mark eventually you'll tear your fragile paper.

The paper is my heart.  And the mark is him.  He left a tear in my heart.

I should start at the beginning.

My name is Kana Sato.  I was born into a poor family with a sick mom and no dad.  But, I had some light in my dark world.  And it was him.  My brother.  Mamoru.  He was caring, and strong, and even smart although we never had enough money to enroll in a school.  He was my idol.

And then he wasn't.

It was a rainy night.  We had left home to go pickpocket some poor innocent people.  I always reminded myself that my family needed it more than them.  It was a selfish thought.  I always worried, what if I took something important?  Then I'd feel the need to give it back and apologize.  But I never did.  I was only nine at the time, but I knew how the world worked.  I was more aware than others, but I wasn't aware of my fifteen-year-old brother being taken down a cold and dark alleyway.

When I'd noticed he was missing I stuck my hand into my ragged satchel and laid my hand on the handgun my brother got us.  I was so scared when he gave it to me.  He said it was for protection.  But, I was confused; why would I need a gun when I have my big brother?

It even sealed the deal when he told me Mamoru meant protector.  Yep, I didn't need a gun.  I had him.

But, at that moment, I was alone and standing in the middle of an almost deserted sidewalk.  It made sense there was no one around.  It was dark.  And raining.  And I was so, so scared.

Where is big brother?  I kept asking myself, darting my eyes around before finally resting them upon an alleyway where I could hear faint mumbling.  Whoever was talking sounded mad.

I peeked my head around the corner and froze.  It was my big brother and a man.  The man was pointing a gun at his head.  Why?  The karma of it all left a bitter taste in my mouth.  Or was that the blood from me biting down on my tongue too hard?  I couldn't tell.

I watched, petrified.

"Give me your bag you brat!" The scruffy man yelled, but Mamoru refused.

"No!  My sister bought this for me!"  That's right.  I remembered it was his thirteenth birthday and I had managed to scrape up enough money to buy him a brand new bag.  A warm feeling enveloped my heart before quickly turning ice-cold when the man and Mamoru started to struggle for the bag.


It's strange to see the life leave someone's eyes.  To see someone die and their own life flashed before your eyes.

Mamoru tucking me in bed.

I clutched the gun in my bag.

Mamoru giving me a meal all to myself so I'd have something to eat.

I took the gun out.

Mamoru holding me.

I pointed it at the back of the man's head.




It's even more abnormal to watch the life leave the eyes of a total stranger.

I was nine years old.

And I had killed someone in cold blood.

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