𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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I'm gonna stop that picture and quote thing-


"What." Kana deadpanned, standing in the middle of the living room.

Masaomi smiled at her. "Ema had the lovely idea of going to the beach since it's spring break now!"

Kana watched the older male with raised eyebrows.  The eldest brother began to fidget under her stare "Are you not available....?" He asked quietly, avoiding eye contact and rubbing his neck nervously.  Masaomi couldn't deny the fact that he was curious to see Kana in a bathing suit.  He inwardly slapped himself.  No!  Stop thinking things like that!  Masaomi thought.  She's with Ukyo!  That left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Kana sighed, giving in.  "Fine, I'll go." But only because I can't leave Ema all by herself.

"Yay!  Auntie is going!  Auntie is going!" Wataru yelled happily, running around the living room.  This put a smile on Kana's face.

Apparently, they had planned to go to the beach the next day, which annoyed Kana since she was the last one to be informed.  But, at least she knew who was coming.  Masaomi, Wataru, Subaru, Azusa, Tsubaki, Ema, and surprisingly Natsume.  She has only met him on a few occasions, but he seemed like a nice guy.  Except for the fact he kissed Ema right after she found out she was adopted.  Kana's eyebrow twitched at the thought.



The next day, Kana wore denim shorts and an off the shoulder shirt.  It felt nice since it was rather flowy.  The brunette woman stared at her reflection in her room, smiling at the sight of her cut hair.  Louis did a few touch-ups on it.  

Something from the corner of Kana's eye caught her attention.  She looked over and saw her rubber teacher's pointer on the floor.  She stared at it for a few moments before Subaru came running into the room.

"Hurry up you hag!  Ema's girlfriend is here!"  Subaru grinned, and just like that- he was gone again.

Kana grit her teeth in annoyance from being called hag, but sighed.  I wonder- is Ema's girlfriend coming along?  If so, I probably could've stayed here.  The young woman turned and left the room, leaving her old teacher's pointer behind.

Kana walked downstairs to see Ema, the brothers who were going- except for Natsume who said he'd meet them there- and a pretty dark-skinned girl with a beauty mark next to her mouth and a hand that was covered in burn marks.  

"Guys, this is my girlfriend- Chiyoko Ito."  Ema timidly introduced the other with a small smile and averting eyes.

Chiyoko smiled happily "Hello everyone!  It's nice to finally meet you all, Ema has told me a lot about all of you."

Masaomi was the first to speak. "All good things I hope." He smiled kindly, shaking the younger one's hand.

Chiyoko nodded. "Of course.  Ema would never speak ill of someone." 

Tsubaki introduced himself in an energetic manner, which caused Asuza to hit him and calmly introduce himself.

Kana smiled and watched from the side.  That is until Koji jumped up onto her shoulder and meowed loudly.  "Er," Kana mumbled, surprised by how fast everyone turned to look.

Chiyoko clapped her hands together with a joyful look. "Oh!  You must be Kana!  Ema's Aunt!"  She walked up and shook Kana's hand.

"Not by blood.  Hello." Kana replied nonchalantly, her poker face slid on without hesitation.

"Ouch." Koji snickered from beside her.  But to everyone else, it sounded like he was hacking up a hairball.  A tinge of embarrassment flooded in Kana which led her to push the black cat off of her shoulder.  Koji hissed as he fell to the floor.  Wataru leaped at the chance of snatching Koji up.

"Nooo!" Koji meowed.



Kana found that she was going to ride in Chiyoko's car with Ema.  She was happy to know she wouldn't have to ride in the same car as Subaru.  She loved the man, but he was too much sometimes.

Kana climbed into the backseat.  Once she was situated Chiyoko began to drive, happily chatting with Ema about video games and such.  Kana didn't really listen since she wasn't a big fan of video games.  She hated staring at screens for too long.

Kana felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.  Speaking of screens.  She thought sarcastically to herself.

She smiled once she saw that Ukyo had left a message for her.  He could be such a nervous-wreck at times, but he made sure to always be sweet to her.  She liked that about him.

"Have fun at the beach, I wish I could've come."

Kana typed in a reply.  "Thanks.  Maybe we can go to the beach together one day."  She quietly giggled at the thought of what response that text would provoke from him.

Kana's sharp eyes cut through the air as she faintly noticed something strange.  Looking up at the rearview mirror, she noticed Chiyoko's big eyes watching her intensely.  Her happy smile from before was gone.

"Eyes on the road," Kana muttered coldly.  She didn't feel good about the messages Chiyoko's cold eyes sent her.  Ema looked between the two, confused.

Chiyoko smiled, giggling.  "Sorry about that!  I guess I just got a little lost in thought."

Ema suppressed her giggles with a delicate hand.  "That's dangerous, Yoko!"

"I'm sorry!" Chiyoko laughed.

Kana stared blankly, her lips pressed into a thin line.  She caught a familiar flame in the young girl's eyes.  It was a flame she had been seeing more and more recently.



Holy crap I actually posted a chapter.  Can you notice it has been a while by how this chapter looks slightly different compared to the others?

Sorry about taking so long!

- Ani <3

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