𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻

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"I wish

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"I wish."

(This is a big one be prepared!)

Kana awoke to distant chirping and cheerful purring the next morning in her own room.  She stretched out, sighing happily.

"Hey!" A voice hissed.

Kana looked down to see Koji looking up at her from his spot on her stomach.  "Sorry," She muttered, sitting up and cradling the black cat in her arms.  She started to pet his silky fur silently, enjoying the warmth of the sun shining through her window.

The bliss ended when Subaru barged into her room "Wake up, bitch-"

Kana's eyes narrowed as she threw one of her pillows at the younger male "No cursing you demon child." She mutters her poker face back on with ease.  Subaru holds the pillow, staring at Kana silently.

Koji looks between the two before sneaking to the end of the bed and laying down, his ears twitching.  Subaru suddenly smirks and throws the pillow at Kana's face, and before she could retaliate he throws himself onto the brunette and straddles her, wiggling his fingers threateningly. 

"Don't you dare." Kana mumbles before Subaru starts tickling her mercilessly causing her to break out into fits of laughter.

"Koji," She wheezed "Attack!"

The black cat suddenly latches itself onto Subaru's head and meows loudly.  Subaru yelps and falls back, causing the black cat to jump out of the way of being squished and land on the floor, licking his paws.

Kana laughs "Good boy!"

"What is he, a dog?" Subaru groans from where he was laying at the end of the bed.

"Absolutely not!" Koji hissed.

Kana chuckles, slipping out of the warm covers and throwing a pillow at Subaru's face "I'm gonna change," She opened her closet and looked back at Subaru's gray hair, smirking "Just daydream about Ema while you wait for me."  She could see his ear reddening.

"I do not daydream about her!" Subaru yelled, but it was muffled by the pillow.

"Yes, you do." Kana deadpanned.

"Do not!"

"Do not what?" Ema suddenly appeared at the doorway, causing Subaru to jump in surprise from not seeing her.

"Ema!" The two friends yell, their voices filled with much different emotions.  Subaru still couldn't take the pillow off of his face due to the discarded shirt Kana had laying on the floor.  Kana hugged Ema, the younger girl pulling away to pet Koji.  The two girls looked at the blind basketball player, snickering.

"What?" Subaru mumbled.

"Nothing." Ema hummed, happily petting Koji, who was purring happily.  

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