𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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"You have no right to be jealous!"∆

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"You have no right to be jealous!"

The boys and Ema ate dinner that night quietly,  Ema staring at her left hand that wasn't holding Kana's own hand with a frown.

"Ukyo, where's Kana?~" Tsubaki suddenly spoke up, whining as he pushed his plate aside and laid his head on the table.  Azusa sighed, wanting to see the brunette as well.

"Why are you asking me?" Ukyo quirked an eyebrow.

"Well, you are her boyfriend," Subaru muttered bitterly, causing a few glances to be shared among the other brothers from the tone he used.

Ukyo flushed at that statement "W...Well...I-"  Ukyo was suddenly cut off when Kaname slammed his hands on the table, standing up.

"Can you guys shut up?!" He yelled, annoyed.  This odd behavior shocked the other brothers and Ema.

"Kaname," lori suddenly spoke up, causing all eyes to go on him "Are you jealous?"  Kaname froze at that statement.  Was he jealous?  But, why?  He didn't care if Kana and Ukyo were together!  He has plenty of other women!  But, he was only trying to reassure himself and prove that he didn't have any ounce of feelings for Kana.  If he did, then why did he kiss that gorgeous, stunning, flirtatious-

Ema suddenly stood up, slamming her hands on the table as well.  The brothers watched their sister closely, confused by her actions "I can't believe you!" She yelled, glaring at Kaname.  The monk stood speechless.  Her first time yelling in the Asahina household, and it was directed toward him?  "After what you did, you don't have the right to be jealous!" She shook her head angrily.  Ema couldn't believe it- no, she wouldn't stand for it!  She doesn't care if she's being rude, because she's doing it for her Aunt!

The other brothers didn't know how to react to this side of Ema.  It was new.  In all of her time at Sunrise Residence she had never raised her voice or glared in such a way.

Subaru shook out of his daze "Wait, what did he do?" He asked, his grey eyes narrowing.  He never liked the idea of entrusting his best friend to a Monk, and whatever Kaname did seems to prove that his suspicions were right.

Kaname glanced around at his siblings, hoping one of them would step in.  But, none of them moved, all of them were too curious about what Ema had to say.  Kaname hoped they wouldn't get too mad.  It's not like it was a big deal anyway!

"You guys don't know?" Ema asked.  A few shook their heads as Ukyo watched his nervous Monk brother with a cold stare, remembering how he held Kana as she cried.  She cried because of him.

"Well," Ema continued "Kana was dropping by Kaname's job to bring him lunch.  And she found the man who proclaimed to love her kissing another woman!"  Ema nearly screamed at the end, she forced herself to reel her anger back in, breathing in deeply.  That's when all hell broke loose.

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