𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸

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Kana looked over to see who was embracing her in such an intimate way.

Of course, she should've guessed.  It was her best friend after all.

"Subaru," Kana smiled softly, staring into the younger one's grey eyes.

Subaru smiled at Kana, shifting so that he sat closely next to her and watched as she worked efficiently.  He suddenly perked up "A cat?"

Kana looked up at the black cat that slept peacefully, curled up in her covers.

"Yes.  I found it on the street, it's fluffy.  I wanted to take care of it."  Kana left out the part where the cat talked to her, worried about what would happen.  He'd definitely think I'm crazy.  She thought to herself.

Subaru smiled at Kana's poker face, seeing the excitement in her eyes.  "You really do love soft things, huh?" Subaru laughed.  Overtime at the Asahina house, the brothers have come to learn more about Kana.  One thing they had discovered was that she loves anything that is soft.  His jaw clenched at the memory of Tsubaki hugging her claiming he was soft.

Kana smiled softly "Yes." 

"What are you gonna name it?" Subaru tilted his head and looked at Kana, who stopped working when he spoke up once again.

Kana thought to herself, tapping her pen against her lips thoughtfully.  She then looked up at the purring cat and smiled, stroking its ebony fur "How about Koji, it means "good luck"."  

Subaru smiled at the irony of it; a black cat having a name that means good luck.  "Sounds good."

Half an hour later Kana was just finishing up the last essay she needed to grade when a knock sounded at the door.  Kana looked down at Subaru who had his head laying in her lap.  Seeing as she couldn't get up because of the younger ones' protests, she called out to whoever was on the other side of the door "Come in!"

Wataru came running in with a huge smile on his face, Ema following closely behind.  Subaru quickly got off of Kana's lap as Ema came in and sat down on the woman's lap.  Kana chuckled and patted Ema's hair as Wataru got up on her bed and started petting Koji.  The cat opened one eye and looked up at the boy, sighing.

"Dinner's ready." Ema twirled a lock of Kana's chestnut hair and smiled at Subaru who awkwardly smiled back.

Kana nodded and Ema got off her lap, helping the older woman up as Subaru gave Wataru a piggyback ride.  "Weeee!" Wataru squealed as Subaru ran out of the room with him and toward the kitchen.

The two girls giggled as they walked out with intertwined hands "So, Butterfly, how is college?" Kana asked, using the old nickname she gave the girl when she was a child.

"It's going great!  I can already see myself working as a Veterinarian!" Ema giggled happily.

Kana smiled at how happy her "niece" was, remembering that it has been a long time dream of Ema's to become a veterinarian one day.  And she couldn't doubt that she was already envisioning it as well.  "Well, I'll be your first client."  Ema cheered at that.

When they arrived and sat at the table next to each other, Kana noticed that everyone who lived at the sunrise residence was eating tonight- except for Kaname.  She instantly deflated.  "Where's Kaname?" She asked.  "Probably out with some girl," Yusuke muttered through a mouthful of food.

"Oh..." Kana looked down at her plate.

"Yusuke!" Ukyo hissed, causing the college student to panic and wave his arms around "I..I..I mean!  He's probably still working a hard as ever!  Yeah...he..he..." He trailed off awkwardly, his chair tipped backward from him standing so suddenly.  Everyone at the table sighed heavily.  Even Wataru.

"It's alright Yusuke, you don't have to lie to me." Kana smiled innocently, before glaring sadistically "Of course, you wouldn't lie to me, right?  You know lying is wrong Yusuke."  The redhead became even more nervous, remembering how sadistic she is at school and panicked, waving his arms around "No, no, no! I'd never lie to you!  Ever!"

Yusuke suddenly saw Ema's stare from behind the creepily grinning woman 'you screwed up' she mouthed.  Yusuke gulped.

Before Kana could do anything, though she felt someone lightly smack her on the head.  She looked behind her to see Subaru leaning behind Ema from where he was sitting next to her "That's enough." He chuckled.

"Yeah, save that for the classroom teach," Fuuto smirked.

Kana rolled her eyes and began to eat again, the redhead that she scared moments ago sighing out of relief.  The brunette then stopped eating.  She suddenly remembered the first night she ate at the Asahina household and how she watched the lively brothers interact and cause trouble from a distance.  Now, she was roped into it too.  Teasing, laughing, and even fighting playfully with the rest of the family.  She smiled at that thought, the depressing thoughts of Kaname vanishing as the other brothers and Ema occupied her thoughts.

She then looked up and caught Ukyo staring at her with a soft smile.  The brunette quickly looked away with a red face.

Why am I so flustered?

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