𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮

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"𝓑𝓪𝓭 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴, 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴, 𝓷𝓸 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴

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"𝓑𝓪𝓭 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴, 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴, 𝓷𝓸 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴."

A brunette woman walked down the dark street having just finished her work at Hinode High School.  Her breaths came out in puffs in the cold winter air, and she shivered even though she had on a layered winter coat.

She stopped next to a low brick wall, rubbing her arms for some friction and glancing at the night sky "It's going to snow soon," Kana muttered.


Kana turned toward the direction of the voice, only to see a black cat sitting on the brick wall.  It stared at her with wide and curious eyes.  She chuckled "I must've misheard."

Kana turned toward the black cat and smiled at it "You must be cold, poor thing."

"Who're you calling poor thing?" The cat hissed.

Kana jumped back "You talked!" She yelped.

"You can hear me?!" The black cat jumped up.

"Oh my god!!" Kana screamed, before stopping when the black cat jumped onto her shoulder and laid a paw over her mouth "Shut it, lady!  Jeez, humans can be so annoying sometimes." The cat whined.

Kana stared at the cat sitting on her should in bewilderment.  How could a cat talk?  Was she going crazy?  

The black cat must've known what she was thinking, because then it sighed and started to explain "Every animal talks, it's just most humans can't hear us, got it?  Don't go freaking out on me again."

Kana was confused "But," She gulped, relaxing her tensed muscles "You're the first animal I've heard speak!"

The cat licked it's paw, seemingly bored with this conversation "Yeah, yeah, strange how the world works, right?"  Kana nodded "Now, don't go around saying you can talk to a cat, people might- no they'll definitely think you've gone crazy." Kana nodded again.  She couldn't believe this was happening. 

She finally spoke up "Do you want to come home with me?" 

The cat looked at her in surprise "But, black cats are bad luck.  Why would you want me in your home?"

Despite it all, Kana smiled "Bad luck, good luck, no luck.  Who cares?"  It looked as if the cat smiled too "Okay then, it's your home I'll be destroying."

"Actually, I'm not the only one living there." Kana began to walk with the cat sitting peacefully on her shoulder.  She still couldn't believe this was happening, but she decided to try and figure it out later.

"What?  Explain, human." The cat pawed at her cheek, causing her to giggle "Okay, okay!"

Kana then began awkwardly explaining everything.  The brothers, Ema, her father, and Miwa.  By the time she finished, she stood in front of Sunrise Residence.

"That's a lot of guys." The cat mumbled, looking up at the home.

"Yeah."  Kana suddenly thought of Kaname, and what he said at the airport.  They never became a couple, and Kaname never brought it up again.  Was what he said a lie?  Did he just say all of that to make her feel better?  Kana pushed the thoughts down and walked into the house, instantly feeling tiny arms wrap around her mid-section.

"Wataru!" She laughed.

"Welcome home Auntie!" Wataru grinned.  Ema had started to rub off on him.

"It feels good to be back." Kana smiled, hugging Wataru.  The Asahina family has changed her a lot, she couldn't deny it.  She was now more open and affectionate with others.  It felt nice to be loved.

Wataru suddenly noticed the cat on her shoulders "A Kitty?!" He gasped, reaching out but not before Kana stopped him.

"I'm sorry Wataru, but I just found him out in the cold so it might not be the best time to play with him right now." Wataru pouted, but ran off giggling nonetheless yelling "Auntie's home with a kitty!"

The black cat hissed "I am never playing with him.  I hate kids." Kana rolled her eyes, slowly getting used to the talking thing.

Kana walked into the living room and was enveloped into a hug that caused the annoyed black cat to fall off her shoulders with a "meowww!" 

Kana patted Tsubaki's silver hair, laughing "I missed you Kana!~" Tsubaki whined, before being wiped out of her sight and onto the floor.  Azusa had hit his twin on the head again.

"Welcome back." Azusa smiled, and despite hitting his brother for hugging Kana, he hugged her as well.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"What's this I hear? A cat?" Masaomi walked into the room with a smiling Wataru trailing behind him.

"Hello Masaomi, and yes, a cat," Kana picked up the poor cat and held him safely in her arms "I hope you don't mind?" She asked, suddenly worried she was crossing a line.

Masaomi watched as she blinked innocently, tilting her head as she asked the question.  He would've swooned if he hadn't caught himself, but not before the two mischievous twins saw his sudden actions.  The looked at each other with narrowed eyes.  It is on, Masaomi.

"Of course I don't mind, you never ask for much and you're very responsible so I'm sure everything will be just fine."  Masaomi smiled gently.

Kana cheered "Yes!  Thank you!"  She kissed him on the cheek and ran upstairs, unaware of the stares from her two favorite twins.




Kana sat on the floor in her room with the purring cat who laid wrapped in her blankets after eating some ham she had given him.  She had papers all over the floor that needed to be graded and was reading an essay when a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in," She muttered, not looking up from the essay.

The door opened and Kana suddenly felt someone wrap their arms tightly around her and kiss her cheek.  "I missed you.  You should've texted me that you were going to be late."  They whined.

Kana looked over to see who it was-

The Final Lesson. {Brothers Conflict}Where stories live. Discover now