𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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After dinner Kana found herself helping the second eldest brother do the dishes. She fell into a rhythm, the two working silently together until Ukyo finally spoke up. "Thank you for all the help Kana, usually Ema helps me but she's been so busy with her studies lately and I don't want to bother her." The lawyer glanced over at the teacher.

Kana smiled at him, shaking her head "Don't worry about it Ukyo, I'm glad to help in any way I can."

Ukyo smiled back at Kana before his eyes widened slightly when Masaomi walked up behind Kana and patted her on the head. "That is very kind of you Kana." Masaomi smiled happily.

Kana did not expect the sudden contact, blush dusted her cheeks as she muttered a small "thank you", glancing up at the taller male.

Masaomi chuckled at the flustered woman. How cute. He thought to himself, not noticing how Ukyo was watching the exchange with a clenched jaw. "If you are going to flirt Masaomi I suggest you take it elsewhere," Ukyo muttered, venom lacing his words.

Kana looked up at the blond surprised as Masaomi became a blushing mess "Ukyo! I wasn't flirting, I um, I'll be going now. Don't want to distract you! Goodbye!" The eldest quickly walked off, leaving Ukyo and Kana in silence as they continued to was the dishes.

Ukyo glanced over at the older woman as they finished washing the dishes, gathering the courage to ask her something very important "Kana, would you-"

"Hey, Kana! You said you were gonna help me study remember?! Jeez, you encourage me to learn but forget to teach me?" Kana looked up at the sound of Fuuto's voice, smiling when she saw the teen with crossed arms and narrowed eyes.

Kana chuckled, a teasing smirk making its way onto her face "Oh? Do you want to spend time with me that badly? You know, I'm not your teacher anymore why don't you ask any other girl to help you?"

Fuuto looked away "Yeah, well, I can tolerate you. Come on already!" He pouted.

Kana chuckled before turning toward Ukyo "Sorry Ukyo, I've got to go."

Ukyo shook his head "No need to apologize. It's quite alright."

Kana nodded, walking up the stairs with Fuuto following after her.




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