𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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"She's very precious to me

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"She's very precious to me."

Ema was a nervous wreck all week.  She was happy that her girlfriend wanted to meet her family, but she was scared of what her brothers might think.  She had never told them that she was interested in girls before.  Only Kana, Juli, Rintarou, and Miwa knew.  Will they be disgusted?  Confused?  Will they throw her out?  Or, will they accept her and will they all continue on as a happy family?  The brunette knew she was overthinking things, but this tiny moment could change her life forever, or it won't.  She just really hoped things would go well.

But, as Friday came and she called all of her brothers to the living room, she didn't know what to think, what to feel, or what should she do if they hated her after this.  Ema stood in front of her brothers.  Of course, Hikaru and Natsume weren't there, but she supposed it was alright.  The less, the better.

Juli sat on her shoulder, watching her closely with a worried look as Kana stood to the side, smiling softly at her niece. 

Kana had advised that she should take one thing at a time.  First, she should come out to her family.  Then she can introduce her girlfriend.  Kana was aware of how frightened and worried Ema was but knew this was a leap she had to take in order to live a happy and carefree life.  It might come as a shock to her brothers, but Kana knew that the love they felt for their sister wouldn't change.  Well, she hoped that was the case.

Kana watched as Juli softly squeaked in Ema's ear.  It faintly reminded her of Koji.  She also noticed the fact that Subaru, Ukyo, Yusuke, and Fuuto took up the most space on the couch, forcing Kaname to stand next to it with an awkward look.  The brunette inwardly smirked at this.

Ema breathed in deeply before slowly exhaling, looking at the brothers she had gathered.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Masaomi asked with a gentle smile, a few of the brothers looking at Ema with curiosity.  Wataru wasn't sitting on the elder brother's lap like he usually did.  Instead, he sat next to his brother with his legs folded beneath him and a bright, innocent smile on his face.  This perplexed Kana.

Ukyo took a quick glance at Kana before returning his gaze to his younger sister.  "Yes, we'd all love to know." The blond gave Ema a friendly smile, though there was bitterness in it that felt like it was being tossed at Masaomi.  The two eldest brothers glanced at each other with sickly sweet smiles. 

Tsubaki and Azusa shivered between them.  Was it just them or did the room get colder?

Ema felt pressured by the tense atmosphere, the confidence she was collecting suddenly diminishing in those few crucial seconds.  She gulped and looked over at Kana who stood on the sidelines.  Sidelines.  Was she always on the sidelines?  Yes, ever since Ema could remember, Kana was always on the sidelines.  Watching Ema grow up and supporting her along the way.  That woman was her rock, the one who Ema would always go to when she was in a dark place.  Ema was a butterfly, yes, but Kana was a beautiful lavender Phlox.  A blanket to those in need and the one that butterflies were drawn to most.  Ema was Kana's beautiful butterfly.  Kana was Ema's desirable Phlox.  Her aunt smiled softly at her, urging her on.  Supporting her from the sidelines.

Ema smiled and turned toward her brothers.  With a glance toward Juli she knew she was ready to tell them. They were her family, after all.  "There is something that I'd like for you to all know." Ema started off shakily but still ended up gaining the attention of everyone in the room.  She was scared.  She was so, so, scared.  But she knew she had to do it.  She needed to.  She wanted to.

"What is it, big sis?" Wataru asked, tilting his head.  Ema nervously smiled at him, sweeping her eyes across her brothers as she spoke.

"Well, it's something that I've wanted you all to know for a while now," Ema sighed, fiddling with her hands.  The brothers leaned in, listening very closely now "And it's also a very dear part of me that I am proud of."  Ema looked up at her brothers, taking a few moments to collect herself before she uttered those two words that could either change her entire life forever or not change anything at all.

"I'm gay."

The brothers blinked at her, surprised and dumbfounded.  Yusuke's mouth hung wide open.  Wataru's eyes grew big.  He was young, sure, but he still knew what that meant.  

Ema's confidence once again withered away as she stared at their shocked expressions.  She looked down at the floor, silent tears pouring down her face.  Juli soothingly patted her head.  Ema glanced over at Kana who was still standing there.  Ema's tearful eyes watched her.  Why was she just standing there?  Wasn't she going to support her?  Cheer her on like she always does?  Why-

Then Ema felt a pair of arms embrace her tightly.  She looked up, surprised to see Tsubaki and Azusa smiling down at her with happy expressions.

"Did you really think that," Tsubaki began.

"This would make us love you any less?" Azusa finished.

Wataru shoved between them, jumping up and wrapping his arms around Ema's neck "We're family, big sis!  We will always love you!" Wataru grinned happily.  Ema buried her face into Wataru's neck, wrapping her arms around his torso as she fell to her knees, sobbing out of relief.  The stress that weighed on her finally lifted, and with that came exhaustion. 

Ema glanced up from the embrace, seeing the rest of the brothers smiling down at her.

Masaomi stood, walking over to lovingly pat Ema's head "We're happy that you told us."

Ukyo smiled at Ema with gentle eyes.  He didn't care about Masaomi at the moment.  "And we're proud of you for gaining the courage to tell us something that is so close to your heart."

Ema smiled widely, tears streaming down her face as she held Wataru tightly.  "Thank you, all of you.  I love you all so much." She sobbed out.

Yusuke and Subaru smiled softly, their eyes holding a hint of sadness. 

Kaname watched, a ghost of a smile on his face.  Of course, if he said anything he knew she wouldn't appreciate it.  So he held his tongue.

Fuuto rolled his eyes with a smirk "Why are you getting so emotional now?" He got up, crouching beside her "Hey if you're gay does that mean you'll check out hot chicks with me-" Fuuto was suddenly hit on the back of the head with a pan.  Courtesy of Ukyo.

Ema laughed, conversing happily with her brothers.  As she talked to and hugged her brothers happily, her pet squirrel's eyes drifted to Kana, who stood there with a small smile.  Always on the sidelines.  Juli thought to himself, squinting his eyes at the woman.

When will you open up, Kana?

You can't keep your secrets forever.


Hello, Lovelies!

I know I said I'm on hold while I work on another story, but you know what?

Writer's block isn't stopping me!

I hope even with the writer's block that this chapter is at least okay!

Well, see you next time!

- Ami <3

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