𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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"He's my Boyfriend

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"He's my Boyfriend."

Kana spent the next week doing her normal routine.  Teaching, tutoring Fuuto, cleaning, and being swept up in the middle of playful banter.  The only thing out of the ordinary was the secret glances between her and Ukyo and the awkward yet agitating stares from Kaname.  Ukyo and Kana had gone a whole week without telling any of the brothers about their relationship.

Of course, the silence couldn't last for long.

One Saturday night after dinner, the Asahina's that resided in the house were all downstairs watching a movie that Wataru said he wanted to see with everyone.  Except, of course, Fuuto didn't come.  When the movie finished Wataru had fallen asleep, so Louis and Lori went upstairs with him, Ema and Yusuke went up soon after dragging Koji with them.  The ones still on the couch were Kana, Ukyo, Masaomi, Kaname, Tsubaki, Azusa, and Subaru.

Kana stood up from the couch and stretched, glancing back to see Ukyo watching her with a smile.  The brunette felt her cheeks heat up and smiled back at him.  She then saw Kaname watching her with a frown and quickly looked away.

Kana felt someone's arms snake around her waist and she instantly recognized the person to be Tsubaki "Kana~ Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Tsubaki purred in her ear.  Kana chuckled as the silverette flew from her few, being replaced by an agitated Azusa.

"You will not be sleeping in her bed.  Ever." Azusa grumbled, glaring down at his twin brother.

Subaru stood and slung an arm around Kana's neck "Yeah!  Besides, Kana's sleeping buddy is me." Masaomi watched the scene with a smile, Ukyo frowned at what he was seeing.

"Why are you her sleeping buddy?" Ukyo questioned, although the words "sleeping buddy" sounded weird coming from his mouth.

Subaru sighed as if it was obvious "Because I'm her best friend!"

Ukyo crossed his arms with a smirk as he stood from the couch "Oh?  Well, I'm her-" Ukyo suddenly paused, glancing at Kana who stared at him with wide eyes.  Kaname glanced between the two silently.

"Her what?" The twins questioned with narrowed eyes.  Kana suddenly became aware of Subaru's tight grip on her.

"Yes, please continue," Masaomi muttered, watching Ukyo closely who was currently panicking inside but kept his composure calm and put-together.

Kana sighed, pulling Subaru's arm off of her- much to the boy's surprise- and walked over to stand close to Ukyo's side, the two now facing the other brothers.  She mentally prepared herself before declaring "He's my boyfriend."  No one was expecting her to say that- not even Ukyo expected her to say it.

"What!?" The brothers exclaimed, Kana glanced at Kaname's shocked face and rolled her eyes.

"You're kidding!" Tsubaki exclaimed, his eyes wide.  Azusa stared at Kana silently, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Subaru laughed, although he seemed a bit annoyed.  Kana felt a pang of guilt.  She did tell Ema after all, why hadn't she told Subaru?  Her best friend?  Kana shook her head, deciding not to dwell on it.

"You two are," Masaomi paused, glancing at Ukyo with an unreadable emotion in his eyes before looking at Kana "Together?"

The couple nodded nervously, Ukyo was deeply afraid.  He didn't know if he'd make it to the next week alive.  The blond suddenly felt a warmth envelop his hand.  Looking down he saw Kana was holding his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.  He smiled at her kindness.

"Seriously?" Kaname suddenly muttered, chuckling as if the thought of them together was amusing to him.

"Yes, seriously.  Got a problem with that?" Kana asked, raising her eyebrow and daring Kaname to talk back.

"Yes, in fact, I do-" Kaname was suddenly cut off, falling back onto the couch as Kana whipped out her rubber teacher's pointer, almost slapping him in the face with it.

"Well, too bad.  You don't get to be upset about us together because you ruined your chances the moment you kissed that bottle blonde.  Let this be a lesson.  Hopefully, it's the last one I'll ever have to teach you."  Kana glared down at the monk's shocked face.  Before he could shoot back with his own remark she spun around "And that goes for the rest of you.  If you have a problem with who I'm with- then suck it up buttercup."

The brothers stared at her silently, not knowing what to say.  Suddenly, Subaru started to laugh, clutching his stomach "The chihuahua is angry!" He grinned.

Kana rolled her eyes, a smile coming back to her face "Come on, Ukyo." Kana grabbed Ukyo's wrist, pulling him with her.  She knew what would happen if she left him alone.  Kana suddenly stopped at the top of the stairs and pivoted.

"Subaru, Tsubaki- no." The two males were following her up the stairs like lost puppies, bitterly reminding her of Kaname.  The two brothers complained, so Kana just grabbed Ukyo's hand again and began walking toward her room.  Ukyo looked down at their intertwined hands and smiled happily.

Once they reached her room Ukyo became nervous.  This was only his second time being in her room, and thinking of the first time made him even more nervous.  "Calm down," Kana chuckled, closing her door and sitting on her bed, patting the spot next to her indicating that she wanted him to sit with her.  Ukyo sat down and glanced around.

Kana smiled "Do you want to talk about something?"

"Like?" Ukyo asked.

"Well, anything." Kana shrugged.  The two turned their bodies so that they were facing each other.

Ukyo thought for a minute "Tell me about yourself."

Kana blinked, surprised.  Out of everything they could talk about, he wanted to talk about her?  "Um, okay," She muttered, "Like what?"

Ukyo smirked "Anything."

Kana rolled her eyes but began to tap her chin as she thought of what might be interesting.  "Well," She paused "I'm an English teacher?"

Ukyo chuckled "Something I don't know."

Kana thought hard, trying to come up with something interesting.  Fears?  Family?....


The man?

The gun?-

"I love seafood and I'm afraid of bugs!" Kana suddenly blurted out, her eyes wide.  Not that.  Not yet.

Ukyo blinked.  "Bugs?"

Kana nodded "I like seafood though, it's really good."

Ukyo shook his head, grinning "What kinds of seafood?"

It looked as though Kana had stars in her eyes, a type of child-like glint in them as she began to rant about every dish of seafood she loved.  Lobster, Crab, Shrimp- anything to keep her mind from wandering toward her past.  She wanted to forget that day.  She thought she did.  Why had it come up so suddenly?  Why now?  When she was beginning to recover from the trauma?  Remembering that was like pouring salt on an open wound.

Later that night, when Kana found herself wrapped in Ukyo's arms under the warm blankets, she let a single tear cascade down her cheek.  She let it fall and begged for her dreams to be happy and to not be thrown into endless nightmares.

Apparently she hadn't begged enough.

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