Planes go up up up

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The day had come for our rollercoaster to start. Hopefully the kind that are smooth, fast but not to fast. Oh help us man up stairs because we were going to need it. The others were busy sorting through the contents of their fannipacks(don't ask) and one carry on that could've held everything in our apartment. The airport wasn't crowded considering that we lived in possibly the smallest "city" in Tennessee. The flight attendants started calling passengers to get on the plane. The professional soccer organization definitely pulled through in our seat selection. We were in first class which is probably the first and last time I will sit there which I am learning to accept.(totally kidding) Nothing exciting happened besides having an unlimited amount of Champagne and margaritas that would make frat parties put to shame. The crew slept for most of the flight since it was a 14 hour trip to Rome through the clouds.

While I was in and out of dreaming about unicorns and tacos, I heard some songs that made the feelings and memories resurface.
"When I was on stage
And I was thinking of..
I felt like I know him
I know him though
And I know that, and I know his heart
And I know what he wouldn't do to hurt me.
But then you make me feel crazy
You make me feel like it's my fault.
I was in pain."
That verse stuck out in my head and I let it sink in for a minute. All of those conversations and hugs all came back to me. I could only laugh because the world didn't work like that anymore. The crazy young love was more dead than Abe Lincoln. Sometimes our down falls are noticeable others take getting to them. Ours was simply wanted it too much and not enough. If only...but life isn't about what if is it? But that's just my two cents take it or leave it. Now back to the colorful present.

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