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Artemis took us to a huge clearing which was situated between a clump of forest.

"Now, let me introduce you to your powers. As you see, when I do this...." she swished her hand a grey ball of energy left her palm and shot through a tree, making it fall.

"I cause destruction to anything that stands infront of me. Similarly, I can do anything I want but I would have to have it in my mind. For instance, I want to block someone's attack, so I'll think about a shield like structure and move my hands accordingly. Namjoon, shoot a ball at me."

Everyone turned to Namjoon who started to sweat. "Um I-i don't know how to?"

"Just shoot. Think like you wanna shoot."

He lifted his palm and his hand jerked a bit as a blue magic shot toward Artemis. She swiftly made a circular motion with her hands, which made a grey shield like magic field appear infront of her, stopping the attack.

"Wow, we can do that too!?" Taehyung exclaimed, his eyes big and mouth open.

"Yes, but I won't be making you practice anything. I just need to tell you about your powers."

Everyone eagerly nodded.

"Good, now everyone has the capability to do basic magic, like attacking, protecting, teleport and summoning. But each one of you has one special ability. Let's start from the youngest, Jungkook."

He looked up at his name being called.

"You have the power to create illusions or filling your opponent's head with one, just like I said in our last meet, that purple colour signifies creativity and mystery."

"That's so cool. Meaning I could make anything, but it won't be real?" he confirmed.

"Yes, exactly. Now, Taehyung, you have the power to heal any wound, no matter how fatal it is, signifying your colour green, that has the quality of renewal and safety."

"And can I bring back the dead too?"

And that's when the reality of possibly dying crashed on all of us and our faces fell.

"Sadly, you can't" she noticed our expressions, but couldn't say anything. Since the people at the kingdom are watching all this.

"Jimin, you have the power of channeling. You can take up the power of your opponent. No matter how strong your opponent is or if a whole army is fighting against you, you will win. Which signifies your colour gold that means success and triumph."

"I hate to fight." he grumbled, obviously not happy with his power.

"You never know what you come face to face with. The game changes every season."

"Whatever." he dismissed her trying to cheer him.

"Okay." she sighed. "Hoseok, you have the power of inflammation. Heavy and aggressive destruction is what you can do with fire. Making your red colour significant, which meant war and power."

Hobi only nodded, standing with his arms crossed and weight on one leg.

"Yoongi, you bear the power of umbrakinesis. You can control the shadows and darkness, using them as your weapon, blinding the opponent and also can teleport with it. And that's because black is your colour, that shows fear and death."

He hummed, looking at his hands.

"Jin, you can make people change their opinion like you want to. If you want them to be on your side, then they will. Pink being your colour, signifying harmony and affection."

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