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"Anything out of usual?" Hoseok's voice rang in my ear.

"Just a pink llama running below me, rest everything cool." I snorted.

I really didn't wanna laugh but looking down, I see six people riding a smoking hot bitchass bike and then a  handsome man cladded in all black leather and sporting bad boy tattoos riding a pink llama, galloping in the middle.

"Says the person riding a winged neighing organism." Jin spat in the earpiece.

Everyone gave out a maniacal laugh, Jimin almost crashed his bike in Namjoon's.

He can't see while laughing, you know. 

"I can see the hills dying down though, and a city like place.......Guess that's where our stop is." I inform them.

"Great, let's increase our speeds and get there as soon as possible." Jungkook told us. I patted my Pegasus's neck and he jerked forward, flying faster.

"I think I should name you, hm?" I run my hands through the creature's hair, to which he gave a low whine. "Yes? Okay....how about Seokjin?" I stifle a laugh as I say this loud and clear.

"How about 'shut the fuck up'?" Jin growled, making the others lose it again.

"Y/n, this isn't a run episode." Taehyung said between his giggles.

"But I'll name him Seokjin. Final."

The horse neighed loudly. "Aww good Seokjin, such a good Seokjin."

"OH MY GOD! STOP!" Yoongi yelled as his voice boomed loudly, audible to me even without the earpiece. "If you don't, I'll for sure crash laughing into someone."

"Fine, I'll call him Nebraska."

"Isn't that........a place?" Jimin asked.


"Fineee." he sighed and continued the travel.

We kept silent for the rest of the ride, with smiles on our faces, starting to feel closer already. The clouds started to get thicker as we reached the end of the hilly terrain. And the coolness stinging directly into my eyes started to make them a bit moist. 

I wipe the water with my palms but when I look a up, a ball of fire was launching towards us. 

Fearing for Nebraska's safety, I move my arms in a swiping motion and she disappears, making me fall down.

A loud shriek leaves my throat as I realise how I didn't think this through, at all.

Since I was moving infront of BTS, they saw me falling from the clouds.

"NOOOO!!!!" They yelled together, speeding up to catch me.

But I wasn't working well with panic, so I spread my hands in a jerk, making black wings sprout from my back and heaving me upwards just as I was about to smash to pieces.

"Whoa......" I heard someone say in the earpiece but my mind was too fuzzy to recognize who.

Circling once under the clouds, I slowly start landing. When my feet touched the ground, I jogged a little before completely stopping infront of their bikes and tucking my wings back.

To The Void [kth X reader]Where stories live. Discover now