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Felix flinched as he felt arms wrap around his waist

"Hello baby you look cute"

"Eh?" Felix whipped his head round to find none other than bang chan.

"Hello would be more polite" he teased

"How about you let me go and i might consider it" Felix turned round to face Chan still stuck in his hold

"Nope" Chan smirked tightening his grip

"Get the hell off me" Felix shook himself out of his grip and turned to face him.

"Awe no fun"

"I almost feel bad for you"

"What why?" Chan looked puzzled

"You're even uglier this close"


"Guys people are staring at you" Jisung called out. Felix and Chan had a lot of people in the school who liked them so they were all looking.

"I'm sure Lixie likes the attention" Chan surged forward wrapping Felix into another hug

"No no! Let me go"


"Ok?-whaa" felix fell backwards as Chan let go

"Noooo Chan you bitch this outfit was specially made by me for Felix today" Jisung complained getting face to face with Chan

"I'm sure he'll live" Chan snorted pushing jisungs face away with his hand. 

"No I won't do you know how much work it is to keep up such a gorgeous ass" felix stuck his middle finger up at chan to which he replied with a laugh " just because you are stronger doesn't mean I'll allow you to force me with you"

"Well I like a challenge" he replied laughing




Felix was sat in class. He was getting more stares than usual thanks to Jisung upgrading his outfit for the day. I am making it my goal to not get detention because it's Friday and I don't want to see that dick again

Felix twiddled (twiddled lol) his pen around while writing his notes. Then unsurprisingly it dropped on the floor and started to roll away. For fucks sake

Felix chased after the pen and stopped infront of it to pick it up as he was about to stand a hand slammed him down and forced him to stay crouching. Who the fuck is this

Felix looked up to see none other than the snotty man himself. (Imma call him Laurence). It was Laurence the same guy who slammed him into the lockers yesterday

"Hands off" Felix whispered trying to shove the pervert off. "Or I'll stab you"

He didn't say anything he just kept staring at Felix with a look that made the boy uncomfortable. Usually every one reacts when I say I'll stab them...

He kept trying to back out of Laurence's hold but seeing as he wasn't a very strong guy it wasn't really working.

I really don't know what to do how do I get this guy to stay away.

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