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Felix woke up suddenly he blinked rapidly trying to fix his sight and focus on where he was.

"AH!" Felix shouted in surprise, was he kidnapped

He then heard footsteps approaching the room on no I'm going to die 

"Chan?" Felix looked up comfusedly

"That is me" Chan walked over to sit at the edge of the bed

"How am I here"

Before Chan could answer felix suddenly felt really nauseous. He sprung up and ran to the bathroom chucking out the contents of last night.

"For fucks sake why does this always happen" felix cursed.

He threw up some more as Chan came and brought him a glass of water.

As felix sipped the drink Chan explained the situation with Laurence. He even showed felix a few videos of his dumb behaviour

"That bitch he doesn't want to stay away and i also command you to send me those so i can put them on my spam account" felix laughed then sighed he was fed up of Laurence

"He just seems like some snotty rich kid who is used to getting what he wants" Chan replied slightly pissed

"Well I'm sorry to say I'm not interested in twits" felix laughed "Oh and thank you for saving me"

Felix smiled up which made Chan's heart ya know do the thing.

"Oh it's no problem, I told you I was going to protect you from pérverts"

"I'm glad, Ok what food do you have I just threw up my dinner"


Felix sat there eating cereal when he thought he should probably check his phone.

He found it on the floor in the entrance and when he looked at it he had over 1000 messages

"Whoops" felix walked back over to the kitchen.

Now I'm gonna have to explain this to everyone.

"Did you get a lot of messages?" Chan asked looking up from his breakfast.

"Yeh my family wants to know where I am" felix sighed he didn't mean to get so drunk "also Jisung has texted me some weird shit I don't know what he is on about, something about a trade?"

"Let me drop you home then" Chan ignored half of what felix said

"No it's ok I have a buspass" felix got up and out his bowel by the sink

"Please let me, I kidnapped you so I should return you"

"What no you didn't- h-hey put me down" Felix screamed as Chan scooped him up and flung him onto his shoulder.

"I can't believe you are doing this, I can walk"

"Well how am I supposed to trade you with jisung for ransom"

"YOU AND JISUNG? What have you two been doing"

"Well he owes me 10 packs of Oreos because I saved you, and if you escape how am I supposed to give you back and get my food"

"I'm not going to escape you stupid bitch"

"Hey you're my prisoner you can't talk"

Felix huffed and just allowed Chan to carry him to his car. The older carefully put him in and went to his own side.

"Oh and thank again, without you I may have accidentally gone home with laurence" felix gagged at the mention of him

"No problem, I knew he distressed you so I wanted to make sure he couldn't do anything" Chan sighed "sorry it took me so long to get to you, they may not have forced the drink down you if I was earlier"

"No please don't apologize you came and that's the least I could ask for, if you didn't come I don't know what I'd do" felix was a little stressed but he had Chan so he felt better

Chan reached over to ruffle Felix's bed head before pulling up to jisungs house.

Jisung was already stood waiting on his doorstep.

"Hi jisung" Chan called as he and Felix got out the car

"You got the goods" Jisung replied in a fake deep voice, he had sunglasses on was this supposed to make him look like some kind of gangster?

"Yep I got it" Chan copied jisungs deep voice and lightly grabbed Felixs arm

"Oreos for the kid" Jisung said with folded arms.

"Oreos first then we can talk"

"What kind of crazy mafia shit is this" felix spoke up as Jisung turned round to pick up the Oreos

"Shush prisoner" Jisung and Chan said in unison

"Well ok then" Felix laughed

"Hand over the boy and I'll hand over the Oreos" Jisung went back to his deep voice

"Ok 3...2...1" they swapped Jisung taking felix and Chan taking the Oreos.

"Pleasure doing buisness" both boys shook hands.

"Come on felix you smell of this crook, you need to change" Jisung laughed as Chan made a face

"I am no crook and I think I deserve a kiss for saving your partner in crime" Chan teased

"In your dreams Chan" felix laughed throwing a small rock from the ground at him

"Ok alright I was just trying you crazy bitch"

"WELL if you're gonna call me a bitch you better put handsome in front of it wackass hoe, my way my way or the high way" felix waved casually as Chan got into his car and drove off

"Felix you need to tell me everything, but first I think my fish is giving brith"

"Holy shit, it's getting wild" felix pumped his fists in the air "let's go see these babies"

"Holy shit, it's getting wild" felix pumped his fists in the air "let's go see these babies"

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You see what I see? (Chanlix cough cough wink wink)

Also this looks like it belongs in a k drama

Also this looks like it belongs in a k drama

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Edited: 07/02/21

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