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Felix sat on his bed. He was thinking over how he could get to Chan's house without his mother knowing.

"Felix honey" his mom knocked on his door before entering

"Yeah mom?"

"Your dinners ready would you like to come down?"

"Yeah sure"


"Mum do you mind if I go to my room I have a biology project to start"

"Sure sweety, love you"

"Love you too mum"

Felix casually walked up the stairs before grabbing his bag.

"Now it's time for the great escape" felix whispered going over to the window. Seeing as minho already knew about the bet he was hoping he'd back him up in the morning.

Felix opened his window and climbed over onto the wall on the outside.
Right I got this, it will be ok- ah shit spoke to soon

Felix immediately slipped and fell.
"Ow that fucking hurt" felix looked up to the night sky there were pretty stars scattering all over it.

Then suddenly a bright light shone in his face. Ow what the- oh that's just great.

Felix turned his head to see Chan dying of laughter inside his car. Felix slowly lifted his arm so he could give Chan the middle finger.

"Oh don't be like that" is what felix thought Chan said even though he couldn't hear him it was probably something like that.

Felix slowly got up and walked over to the car. He hopped in to be faced with a laughing Chan

"Why did you jump out of your window?"

"I did it because I'm technically grounded"

"Oh I see"

The rest of the car ride was comfortable silence between the two.

They made it to Chan's house and he unlocked his door.

"Ugly ones first" Chan motioned to the door

"Even uglier ones second" felix snapped. 

Felix walked down the hall a little and turned round to face Chan who was closing the door. Once he turned back round he had an unsettling smirk on his face what is this guy playing at?

Chan started to approach felix to which he tried to back away before hitting a wall. Why this house lay out so weird

Chan slowly put his hands next to the youngers head to cage him in. There lips where only a few centimetres away from each other.

"What the fuck are you doing" Felix scoweled crossing his arms over his chest

"Nothing" Chan grinned

"If you don't back the fuck up im going to beat your ass" Felix mumbled, pushing his palm against Chan's forhead

"You? Beat my ass?" Chan took Felix's hand and crossed it over his chest. "I thought i was the dominant"

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Felix screamed, pushing Chan away.

"Come on, it was funny"

"I ain't hearing anyone laugh, dumbass" Felix flicked his forhead.

"Come here" Chan held out his arms, ignoring Felix's head flick "let's hug it out"

"I'll kill you"

"Fine, why don't we do something more fun"


"When you said fun I didn't think this" felix groaned. The two boys were finishing the biology project which was long in need of starting.

"What where you expecting something else?" Chan smirked staring up from the textbook

"No way" felix lay back on the floor looking up at the ceiling.

"Are you sure?" Chan questioned as he crawled over and hovered over the younger.

Felix didn't realise Chan had done this so he jumped seeing Chan's face.

"Holy fuck Chan hello?"

"Hello" he sat up stretching his arms above his head "damn I hate studying"

"You barely did shit" felix sighed as he sat up.


"Dickhead" Felix jumped at him ready to perform his black belt skins and murder this fucker

"Felix, stop!" Chan tried to pull away but Felix had his legs secured between his thighs

"What's wrong chan" felix tilted his head innocently. Hitting his hands on Chan's chest as light punches

"Felix if you keep doing this we will have a problem"

"Not my problem your problem" felix laughed as he continued to assault Chan's biceps "look it's a free massage"

"Stop" Chan said sternly grabbing  Felix's waist

"But why channie?" Felix asked cutely still acting innocent

"Because" Chan lifted his eyebrow "I said so"

"And why should I listen to you?" Felix brought his face closer.

"I don't think you want to know why" Chan spoke

"But what if I do" Felix matched Chan's voice with his own

Without a word Chan grabbed him, flipping them over and began to tickle Felix's sides

"HEY NO STOP" felix tried to wriggle away

Chan moved his hands and began to tickle under Felix's arms and his neck.

Felix himself tried to fold in on himself like a turtle. In his last effort of self defence he grabbed Chan's hair and tugged it

"Felix" Chan's voice was strained


"You liked that" Felix pointed at him

"N-no i didnt" Chan huffed

"Yeah you did, poor channie has a hair pulling kink"

"Son of a-"

Edited: 15/02/21
I very heavily edited this so if you are reading the comments and confused I'm very sorry about that.
I much prefer it now so that's a good thing :]
The relationship I made between them just wasn't a good vibe, kinda toxic ngl so that had to GOOOO

On a happier note felix is hot

On a happier note felix is hot

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