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Felix decided he wanted to make cupcakes. Why? It was a Sunday afternoon and he was depressed as fuck because school was tomorrow

However he was at Chan's house so he'd have to ask...

"Channie" he said in his sweetest voice. He could have easily just asked and Chan would have probably said yes but felix had to be extra

"What felix" he replied without looking from his phone

"I want to ask you something"

"Go on" Chan replied still not paying any attention

Felix, annoyed by Chan's lack of attention for him, went to the middle of the room and started doing a stupid dance to try and get him to look I thought orange justice works on everyone

Felix huffed seeing the only way to get his attention was to just touch him.

Ok 3 2 1...

He ran up to the sofa Chan was on and launched himself into the older

"Felix what are y- oof" he caught the flying Felix by his waist.

"Will you listen to me now channie?" Felix smirked looking at the red tint on Chan's cheeks because if their closeness.

Chan didnt answer instead he just rubbed Felix's waist making him whine.

"I wanted to ask-" Felix's sentance was cut short by Chan giving his thighs a tight squeeze

"channie are you going to let me ask or are you going to keep touching me"
Felix tried to get away but was pulled back instantly

"Fine what is it" Chan laughed looking at Felix's pouted face.

"I want to make cupcakes because I'm depressed"

"Oh?" Chan raised his brow "for dessert?"

"Yes for dessert you idiot"

"But what if I want you for dessert" Chan smirked then started to tickle the Felix

"Nooo~haha~stop i-i just~ha~ wanted cake" Felix laughed between his sentence before launching himself away onto the floor. "Ouch"

"Felix you dummy"

"Me? You tickled me" Felix pointed agressivly at Chan

"Well I'm sorry you're sensitive" he put his arms up in surrender

"I am not sensitive. Come over here and I'll give you a piece of my-"

"Come on Lix these cakes won't bake themselves" Chan had already walked off into the kitchen leaving Felix on the floor.


"No Chan you don't add the butter yet" Felix looked away for one second and Chan was already sabotaging

"What I thought it was like this" Chan dumped a bunch of sugar in the bowel.

"You did not just ruin my cakes" Felix gritted his teeth "You know what that means"

Felix went through the drawer and found duct tape "Come here channie I've got a suprise"

He ran up to Chan and tackled him down

"Oi felix"

Felix taped chans hands together behind his back before guiding him to sit in a chair.

"Hah now you can't ruin it"

"Felix this is surely illeagal" Chan tried to rip out but felix had tied a lot of layers, he'd probably need to use sissors to cut himself out.

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