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"California girls"

"Shut up perry"

"No you shut up"

"Did i hear phinius and ferb? Perry the pataplus?"

"No Felix Katy perry"


"SHUT UP" Jeongin smacked his hand over Felixs mouth

"Ew I don't know where those have been" Felix grimaced pushing jeongins hand away.

"Up your ass" jeongin hissed catching the attention of Chan

"Innie, what have you been doing with my baby" Chan spoke with a sickly sweet tone

"Nothing master bang genius leader" jeongin smirked



"I swear" Chan shook his head before going back onto his phone.


"Yes jeongin?"

"Suck this" putting two fingers infront of Felix's face.

Just before he was about to put his fingers in Chan grabbed felix and pulling him closer.

"The only fingers he'll be sucking are mine" Chan stated pushing his own two fingers into Felix's mouth

"No fair you guys have had practice" jeongin huffed putting them in seungmins mouth instead

"I just wanted to be able to wet the thread to go into my needle"

"Then you shut have put the thread in your mouth you idiot" Chan snickered


"Yes baby" Chan sighed at the nickname

"I have to go to work soon" at that Chan instantly hugged Felix tighter pulling him onto his lap.

"Don't want you to" Chan sighed sniffing Felix's strawberry shampoo.

"I have to, JISUNG... JISU-"

"Why so loud?" Chan groaned covering Felix's mouth.

"Yeah lix?"

"We need to leave in 20" felix told him

"Yah" and with that he ran away.

"CHANNIE YOU HAVE TO LET ME GOOOOOO" Felix struggled in Chan's hold.

"Sshhhh" Chan silenced Felix with his lips.

"Channie stop distracting me" Felix whined even though he was the one who kept going back for kisses. Tea 🍵🍵

"You are just too tasty" Chan smirked licking Felix's bottom lip.

"How can I get you to let me go?"

"Convince me"

"Ummm I'll bake you some brownies"

"Not good enough baby"

"What about" he moved his head to Chan's ear "I'll let you fuck me in my uniform"

"Done. Have a good day at work" Chan pushed Felix to stand

"Whatever" rolling his eyes he went off to change.

"Yo chan"


"I want to plan a surprise part for Jisung and Felix"

"How come"

"Well they work so hard at the café and they always make us drinks so I thought we could throw a coffee party fit them"

"Good idea innie" slapping him on the back

"Gather the boys this should be good"


"Boom bap ba ba ba ba boom ah renegade renegade"

"Felix I swear you are on tick tock to much, you understand that trend was months and months ago"

"Ppfffft what no, I'm just making coffee nothing to see here" Felix shrugged trying to replicate a cat design in the mug with cream.

"Cute look at this sungie I did so well- guys?" Felix looked up to see six very suspicious looking boys wander into the coffee shop.

"What are you doing?" Jisung questioned putting his phone down on the counter.

"We just came to... buy some coffee"

"Buy? You know you get it free right?" Felix raised an eyebrow as he wiped his coffee stained hands on his apron. Dumbass machine dripped a load of coffee on me when I was trying to change the filter

"Well yes but we want to buy it... right guys?" Seungmin spoke and all the group nodded awkwardly.

"Interesting" Felix raised a brow before going back to the orders.


"Ok changbin you steal the coffee" 

"Bro why me?"

"Because you are the shortest and they won't see you"


"Yep" jeongin laughed pushing changbin out of the group.

Huffing he went over to the counter opened the gate and walked behind it.

"Woah changbin what are you doing?" They whisper shouted from the table, changbin was not making it discreet

"I'm getting the coffee you dumbasses" changbin rolled his eyes.

As he turned round he was met face to face with Felix's piercing gaze.

Setting the milk jug down he gave changbin a stern look.

"Binnie if you wanted coffee so bad you should have made it at home"

"No it's not that..." he looked behind to see the group of six slowly leaving "I JUST NEED TO BORROW THIS"

Grabbing a bag of coffee before felix could wack him with a spoon he sprinted away

"Interesting" Jisung put his head on his hands

"What do they need coffee for?"

"Not sure but I ain't paying to replace it"

"Well I'm not either"

Ok hear me out, my relationship with changlix is getting better and is growing on me again. It's cute :3 but still chanlix my fav sorry

 It's cute :3 but still chanlix my fav sorry

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