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"There is a new bitch detention teacher and I may just have to vomit" felix ranted over the table at lunch. It had annoyed him since yesterday and he couldn't get the thought off his mind.

"Lixie are you not just overreacting" jeongin sighed

"How am I supposed to deal with it if I have her watching me for an hour" Felix sighed putting his head on the desk.

"You'll be fine lix I'm sure she won't last long" Jisung comferted him

"How do you know?" Felix asked confused

"I just have a gut feeling ya know" Jisung smiled before stuffing his face with spring rolls.

"Jisung can you be any more of a squirrel" hyunjin smirked

"Shwutup" Jisung replied with a mouth full of food.

"What's this about me being a bitch" Felix heard the nasily voice speak from behind. He stood up and turned round to be faced with the same teacher from yesterday.

"Oh I'm sorry if I'd have realised you where there I would have said it to your face" Felix said with a mock innocent tone. (Idrk wtf a mock innocent tone is, I mean like condescending sort of)

"Felix id appreciate if you didn't use language like that at me"

Felix thought about it Chan would be so pissed at me if he knew I swore at a teacher... Ah fuck it I'm a bad bitch

"Do you think I fucking care"

"You are getting close to a detention"

"Won't go" Felix crossed his arms over his chest. He'd never really had a reason to hate a teacher per say but this one in particular was a special exception.

"You'll need a different punishment then" Felix raised his eyebrow at that one

Felix stared at her silently waiting for what she was going to say. Surprisingly she said nothing and walked away.

Dang I think I fucked up really bad

"Dang I think you fucked up really bad"

"Fuck off jisung" Felix sat down in a huff. Stupid bitch can read my thoughts or something

"Don't call me a stupid bitch"

"Didn't say anything, anyway I think I may get worse than detetnion"

"Expelled? FINALLY"

"That's it get your ass here Jisung" Felix sprung up and chased the boy out of the canteen.


"Can lee Felix enter the main office"

Well shit...

Felix stood up slowly, he'd never been called to the office before. He did everything in his power to avoid catching eyes with Chan who was across the room.

As he walked passed Jisung he saw him laughing so he discreetly flipped him off before exciting.

He wasn't entirely sure what to expect but he knew it wasn't going to be anything good.

"Felix have a seat"

He walked over and sat in the plastic chair. Unsuprisingly he was sat next to miss bitch herself.

"So Felix do you know why I called you?"

"No" Felix replied sharply keeping a straight face

"He's lying principal" Miss Bitch complained. Felix was getting pissed she was such a whiny woman.

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