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"Hey felix a man named bang chan is coming to pick you up" a kind woman spoke to Felix. He was currently sat in the police station he wasn't injured he only had a graze under his chin from being smashed onto the floor. He hadn't said a word since the incident.

He just slowly nodded and moved his head to stare at the wall again.

"Felix" he heard someone shout from a distance. He didn't really want to move but he was forced to as he felt someone wrap around his body.

"Felix I'm so sorry" Chan choked out

Felix still felt like he couldn't speak so he turned to just stare at him. Chan lightly brushed the plaster on his chin before sighing.

"You still have your uniform on" Chan observed looking at the crooked bandana in his hair and the dirty apron.

All Felix could do was stare with slightly wide eyes. He forgot he was wearing his uniform.

"Come on let me take you home" Chan smiled pulling Felix up lightly


Chan was worried about Felix he'd not spoken at all even when he gave him his favourite packet of sweets.

Felix sat munching on them occasional waving one infront of Chan so he could eat it.

Once they got in the house Jisung and Felix's eyes fell on each other.

"FELIX" The boy ran up and knocked him over with a hug "I was so scared I was so scared for you, was it you that called the police?"

Jisung bombarded him with questions which Felix gave small nods too.

"You're shaken aren't you I should give you back to chan" Jisung chuckled pushing the boy into Chan's arms.

"Come on maybe you should go to bed" Chan suggested pulling Felix to his bedroom.

He handed some clothes for Felix so he didn't need to wear his uniform.

Silently Felix went to the bathroom and shut the door.

"Oh my life" he whispered feeling his legs go shaky. He latched his hands onto the ledge for support I almost died this is so unrealistic shit like this just doesn't happen...

Finally it seemed like Felix's body had caught up with the current time and he threw up into the toilet.

Felix your ok you'll be fine

He tried to reassure himself as he threw up again.

"Felix? Open the door" He heard Chan's voice, his tone was soft.

He slowly scooted over on the floor and opened the door a crack

"Will you let me in?"

He pulled the door an inch at a time before Chan bent down so he was at eye level

"Its ok to cry"

The statement was so simple but that was all it took for Felix to finally let it all out. He gripped Chan's shirt in his hands and started to cry uncontrollably.

"Ssshhh it's ok" Chan whispered tracing the boys spine with his fingertips.

"I-i... I was so s-scared.. i thought I was going to loose everything" Felix sobbed.

"I know I know it's over"

Felix had managed to cry himself to sleep in Chan's arms.

Sighing he picked the boy up and put him into his bed. Giving him a kiss he switched off the light and went downstairs.


Felix woke up suddenly. What time is it?


Was the time on his phone. He felt much better about the situation. No one got hurt apart from the actual robber and it turns out this guy was a serial killer. Was death what he deserved? Can't say for certain but it can't be undone now.

Felix was happy Jisung and all the costumers where safe in the end and no injuries.

Felix got up slowly and stepped out the door. He was blinded by the light as he stepped into the hallway I wander if I'm home alone...

He crept down the stairs, for once not tripping over sonic.

Once he got into the living room he found the tv on but no one was there. He looked around there were shoes but no people?

"What the fuck are you guys doing in the pool?"

He shouted as he opened the outside door.

"We went for a evening swim" Jisung called out

"Looks like someone's better" seungmin laughed seeing Felix's angry face

"I would be better if you guys turned my tv off, that electricity bill costs money"

"Lighten up" jisung laughed splashing water at Felix making him jump back.

"Shut the fuck up hoe" Felix spat before he could go back inside he was grabbed by someone

"Chan? Chan nononononono" Felix tried to grip onto Chan's shirt as he dropped him into the pool

"Haha bitch that's what you get" Jisung laughed grabbing him under the water

"Hellllppppp Jisungs trying to get in my pants"

"Shut the fuck up" jisung smacked his hand over Felix's mouth "You have Chan's dick for that"

"Oh but Ji I want you give me a kiss" he lunged forward Pickering his lips.

"No get away you dirty ass"

"My lips look inviting you should-"

"That's enough lixie" Chan put his legs around Felix's waist and pulled him closer to the pool side (Chan Is sat on the pool edge with his legs dangling in.)

"No I was about to kiss the frog away"

"Oi" Jisung shouted before being pulled away by minho

"Oh so you enjoy kissing anyone" Chan raised a brow

"Of course I do"

"Sure" Chan stared at Felix's not so serious face

"So if you don't mind I'm going to go and kiss the frog becuause I am tiana" Felix tried to swim away but Chan's legs were secured around his waist.

"No Felix stop being a brat"

"No I can do what I want"

"Is that a threat?" Chan smirked running his hands into Felix's hair. He knew head scratched was Felix's weakness so why not use it now


"You didn't seem sure baby" Chan smirked kissing Felix's nose lightly

"Fuck you, you sneaky bitch"

"The one and only"

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