The Real Origin of Zalor (Naomi and Chrissy's View)

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We all looked in shock as we heard those words come out of her mouth. "Wait a minute. You're telling me...their twins?!" Chrissy nodded. "Yes. Fertile twins I might say." Tyliah looked at her and was about to scream. "Why are we just now knowing this?! Why have you been gone for years?! they even know that they are sisters?!" "Tyliah! Chill the fuck out, would you?" Octo said. I looked at the pictures on the wall and I noticed something weird in the pictures. A man dressed in white jacket with a golden rainbow symbol on his chest. "Who is this?" I asked her as I turned toward everyone, pointing at the man in the picture. She looked up at the picture and said, "T-That's my father." I was in shock. "Look...I know we don't have time...but reality. You were told one thing...but our father...told us something else..the truth about our existence."

We all looked confused. "What do you mean..the truth?" Bri asked. Chrissy grabbed a book from one of the shelves in the room. It was a brown colored book with golden bands on the side of it. "What is that?" Tyliah asked. "This book would explain everything. But...I might as well tell you myself." She told us to have a seat on the couch, so we could hear better. "What I am about to tell you will change on how you see the world. It may seem the human world was cruel...but in the's not their fault. Are you ready to witness that?" We looked and stared at each other. We started to nod slowly to her as she began the story.

"Years ago...many years ago...humans with unrealistic powers were claimed as a myth, a lie. This all happen due to a murder that happen that caused the death of over 200 dead bodies and 30 horrible injured, but were still alive. While some of the survivors were scared to speak, the rest were ready to talk about that night. They have claimed that there was a party going on at one of the science buildings when suddenly, a group of people in dark colored jackets snuck" inside the party without being noticed. They were just walking around, some were standing in different areas of the building until suddenly they heard a male voice shout, "NOW!" When he said that, they started to attack the building and tortured every human that got in their way.

They also claimed that the people who broke in also had abilities. Such as fire, Ice, Water, and all other types. They could hear them talking and the name of their group was called, "The Dark Masters" But the judge dismissed their claims and sent them to a mental hospital. After that, the survivors had killed themselves due to the fact that they knew something would happen. But ever since that day, more murders by people with super abilities were everywhere. Then, a recording of a group of humans fighting the DM army with their own power as well. Ever since then, the government has been trying to figure what gave these people unknown powers. Maybe something gave it to them. Was it rituals? Was it a scientific experiment gone wrong? Once they captured one of the members of DM, their eyes were dark and had a purple pupil in the middle. They would say things like, "The time is almost here. Darkness will rise." or, "I must finish my mission in order to live." Repeating the exact same thing over and over.

After interviews with each captured member of the DM group, workers and spies were taking notes and trying to put the pieces together. They soon realized they were in grave danger. After getting a call from one of the detectives, they told them to meet at a secret location. After they met, they were told that magical powers were not impossible, not a myth nor lie. People who have these special powers, were given these powers by the "Elemental Gods". But some did evil things with their powers and were turned by the forces of darkness. They also told them what the DM were planning. They were planning to do one of the darkest rituals in history that would kill all of the DM members. The DM would combine their powers and their souls to create an all powerful being...Zalor.

The FBI and the government were in shock because they were doing the ritual...tonight. As they drove against the clock, the rest of the members were in their base, cutting the initials D.M into the palm of their left hand and the letters Z.K.D, which translated to, "Zalor King Darkness". Their blood spilled from their hands as they gathered a giant star-shaped circle with candles glowing a bright yellow.

They held each other's hand, creating a barrier. The leader of the group, stood in the middle and took off his jacket. The members began to chant the spell as the ground started to shake around them. The leader started to feel hot and held his head to hold back himself shouting. The more the chant, the more the room began to shake. All the blood on the floor began to turn dark and with every chant, it got darker and darker. The leader began to scream as his muscles veins turned black and his body was mutanting. The pain was almost unbearable. Then, he started floating in the air as he began to chant as well but, in a whisper. The members began to feel weak as the circle turned purple, opening a hole into the ground and letting out a black and purple aura, surrounding the leader and consuming him. The leader continued to scream. The FBI and Government got to their base and broke down the door. But when they stepped in, they were too late and saw them in a circle with the leader floating with his eyes pitch black with a tiny purple pupil. The leader summoned a specter and shot arrows into the FBI team hearts, killing them instantly.

The members were on the floor, with their eyes dark and lifeless. Blood was everywhere. The leader landed on his feet and looked at his new body. He was surprised and started to cause chaos in the world. So the government ordered anyone with powers must leave the earth or they will be killed by forces. So the good magics of the children created a new world connected to earth so they could watch over the humans. Zalor was created by his own kind and had a child of his own. He hid his child away so when if he would be killed, his child could finish his rule over the elemental world and the human world."

We all looked shocked as she finished the story. "So..Zalor's origin was..fake?" Bri asked. Chrissy nodded. " you know where cheyenne's base is?" I nodded and said that it's where her father's base was. "Okay. You guys are gonna need these." She tosses us necklaces, just like the one I found in the box back at the home base. "Shield necklaces. Protects you from any danger. Now get your stuff. We need to save my sisters." I nodded and told everyone to get out the door. As were walking, I started to think. We're coming to Andria and Tay. Hang in there.  

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