An Unexpected Surprise (Naomi's View)

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It's a hot day in the forest. The sun beaming down on our faces, soft and low winds blowing in the air, and birds chirping in the distance and far skies. "How much more walking do we have to do?" Bri said. "I'm tired. Can we please take a break?" She asked. "Unless you want the whole world to be ruled by a crazy psycho bitch... then yeah. Take a break." Octo said in a sarcastic voice. I looked at them with an annoyed look on my face. "Can we please stop arguing and focus on our mission for devil sake?" I asked them. We continued to walk the path, with the necklace in my jacket pocket. While we're walking in the forest, Tyliah was chopping down the trunks. So that they wouldn't get in our way of walking.

Out of nowhere, we stopped moving in the middle of the path. "Umm why the fuck did we stop?" I said. "We uhh...have a small problem...the path stops here." I looked confused and walked up in front of her...she was right. The path did stop here. There were no more golden shards on the ground. "What...? This can't be should be here." I said confused.

We continued walking down the forest, hoping to find the path again. "Guys! Over here!" Octo shouted. We all walked toward him as he was pointing to a wooden house in the distance. "Is that our stop?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded. "Alright. Let's go." We started walking toward the house when suddenly, I felt a gush of wind moved from behind me. I turned around only to see...nothing. I turned back around and when I did, something had kicked me in the side and onto the ground. "Oof!" Everyone else turned to see who was standing in front of me. A tall woman with braids in her head, who had a sword with sparks of lightning coming from it. She had a black and grey hoodie with her hood covering her hazel eyes. "Get away from my house, you demons!" She started to summon lightning from her hands and shoot them toward us. Bri blocked them with her staff and we started to attack. The woman punched Tyliah in the stomach as she tried to attack her. Tyliah was knocked back into the ground. Octo and Bri jumped from the sky and slashed her from the sky. It was a direct hit, but the woman wasn't phased a bit. The woman eyes started to pulse with lightning as she put her hands together and started to create a ball of lightning. She lifted her head up, staring at us with her eyes as she shouted, "Lightning Storm Shower!" She shot the ball in the air and when it hit the clouds, strikes of lightning began crashing down on us. We started to get shot and burned by the strikes and began to fall down to the ground. "Grahh! Shit!" I yelled. The woman summoned her sword and grabbed my shirt. She pulled me toward my feet and put the sword to my neck.

"Who do you work for?! Huh?!" She said, with the sword close to my neck. "Look...we're just here on a mission...we don't mean any harm.." I said to her. She looked at me with anger in her eyes, with her eyes still pulsing with lightning. "Bullshit! I know why you're here! You came to find the twins! I'm not letting you have them!" She yelled. I looked at her with a confused look on my face. "Twins?" I asked. "Don't play dumb. I know you work for her. I'm not having-" She stopped and looked in my pocket. She pulled out the necklace the note had. "W-Where did you get this? Who are you people?" She asked. "We're a team of heros. We came here because an emergency has happened. This necklace was given to us by our leaders. There was a note that said it would lead us to a very special friend." She looked at me confused. "What happened?"

"Our leaders...Andria and Tay...they have been captured by Cheyenne's forces..." Her eyes became blank and white as she looked at all of us. "Follow me. I don't have much time." We all followed her into the house. When we went inside, she told us to wait in the living room. I looked around at the walls and everything. The walls had pictures of what seemed to be Tay and Andria as babies. The woman comes back in the room, panicking and pacing around the room. "Excuse me? I'm sorry to stop you, but can you tell us who you are?" Tyliah said. "Yeah. Why do you have all these pictures of the girls?" I said. She starts to look at us with a weird look on her face. It's almost as if she knew who they were are. "Those're the Elementalists?" We all looked at her with confused eyes. "Yes. W-Wait. How did you know that?" She sighed as she said one sentence. One sentence that would change everything. "My name is Chrissy...and those pictures...are my twin sisters."   

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