23. A Sirius Mistake

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"Diondre dear, you can't not do the homework and expect it to all be fine." Remus told her in his best grown up voice.

"20 points!" She exclaimed. "From me! How could you Remus."

He raised his eyebrows at the young girl, sparing a moment to check the classroom door was shut before taking a step towards her.

"Well you can't expect special treatment love! I am still your teacher, and you still have to do the homework." He went to press a kiss to her lips but she had turned her head stubbornly to the side. His lips brushed her cheek. Remus sighed.
"Very well then, I will talk to you when you stop being a child. I expect that missing homework on my desk by next lesson." He told her.

Her eyes flashed furiously and she stormed out, he watched her in amusement. Of all the people he could have fallen in love with and it had to be a petty teenage girl.

Remus Lupin arrived at the Three Broomsticks and immediately spotted Diondre sitting alone at one of the tables. Her head was leaning over a piece of parchment she was scribbling on. He noticed an empty glass of butter beer in front of her. He bought two at the bar for the both of them, despite how incredibly petty she's been lately.

Remus took the empty seat next to Diondre, who was writing vigorously into her scroll. She had 30 inches to write on resisting the forbidden curses, thanks to him. She was very deep into it and ignored the professor completely on any attempt he made at talking to her.

He decided to peak over her shoulder and see her essay. There was a lot wrong with it.

"Diondre dear, love doesn't deflect a killing curse. Nor does being pissed off help with-" He tried to point them out to her but she just shot him a filthy look and carried on.

"Oh hello Remus dear, always nice to see you here." Madam Rosmerta said kindly, placing down two butter beers. Remus shot a quick look at Diondre before making his mind up, he didn't much like getting ignored.

"Madam Rosmerta, you look lovely as always, care to join us? I'll buy you a drink." He smiled at her, passing her some money for her own drink.

Diondre's teeth clenched and her quill stopped moving, she'd left an ink splodge on her parchment.

"Oh go on then, if you insist." Madam Rosmerta went off to make herself a drink.

Remus was very happy to get a reaction out of the young girl next to him placed his hand on her leg. Despite it being cold out, it was as always, bare under her skirt. She made no effort to push him away just started scribbling harder at her essay.

Madam Rosmerta returned with a steaming pink beverage and sat opposite Lupin.

"Helping one of your students with their homework Remus? You've always been too kind, even as a boy." She beamed at him, stirring her drink and leaning so far across the table it would have been easier to drink his.

He began to use his finger tips to trace light shapes on the inside of Diondres thigh, she suddenly wasn't sure what a quill even was.

"Yes, indeed. Miss Gargoyle needs all the help she can get. She's not very bright, but she'll get there. As you can see Madam, I am not a boy anymore." He gave her a wink. Remus was aware this was all in good fun, him and his friends flirted like crazy with this lady when they were younger. Diondre didn't need to know that.

At being called stupid Diondre tried to shove off his hand but he only gripped her thigh tightly so she couldn't. She was getting very frustrated, he was feeling attraction but she had no way of knowing for who. It was all very confusing for her. Madam Rosetta was a very full bodied beautiful woman, and she was kind. So as much as she wanted to hate the bartender in that moment she couldn't, so she hated Remus instead.

The Madam blushed and waved of his innuendo like she was used to doing. She couldn't deny however that he most certainly wasn't a little boy anymore. "Oh you've hardly changed Remus," she laughed, touching her hand to his that was still on the table. "You always were my favourite you know, out of your little group. Found you the most charming." At the same time as he moved his hand to grip madam Rosetta's and lean forward to grin at her, his other hand had moved up on Diondres leg and found it's way under her underwear.

She stopped breathing.
Seeing his face so close to another woman's filled her with a fiery rage. But his other hand was filling her with other things. She had to bite her lip, hard.

Having had enough of Remus having the upper hand in this situation she brought her own under the table. Madam Rosetta's eyes were too focused on Remus's to notice anything going on so she reached under her professors jeans, moving her hand over the cotton of his underwear. His face twitched briefly in shock. Diondre carried on as he began flirting harder with the woman in front of him to distract her from noticing anything abnormal.
The only signs that Diondre was having an effect on him, was how he felt under her hand and the occasional muscle that jumped in his cheek.

Diondre stopped halfway and zipped up his jeans.

"I think my essay is done professor." She loudly stated, rolling up her parchment. Remus finally took back his hand and looked at her.

"Oh that's good dear, if you would excuse me Madam, I promised her I would buy her chocolate if she completed her essay today. As always it was a pleasure to see you." He adjusted his cloak around his waist before standing up. Remus gave a swift kiss to the lady's hand which she blushed and giggled at, before roughly grabbing Diondre's arm and dragging her out of the pub.

He pulled her behind a building so they were out of sight. Diondre was pushed up against a wall being kissed fiercely. She let her own confused pent up emotions out on him too, grabbing at his robes and pulling him closer. Her hands found their way to his neck, then his hair. Then back down to the front of his trousers.

Remus needed her, needed to feel her skin against his, her lips running down his body, her warmth under his touch. Everything, or he would go crazy. A dark alley was a bad place to relieve that.

"Hold on tight, I'm going to apparate." He whispered to her. The next second she felt her insides get ripped out then placed back in, leaving her very queasy and disoriented. Completely interrupting what was a very passionate moment.
Remus stepped back for a quick second in case she was going to be sick. And indeed she might have been if the horror of where they were hadn't hit her first.

"Remus, we're in the shrieking shack!" She stated, wide eyed.
He took this as a sign she feeling fine and went back to kissing her. Being distracted as he was he didn't look around the shack or he might have seen the signs that they weren't alone.

"Remus!" She said alarmed.

"It's ok, it's not really haunted, the screams the town heard were me, I used to transform here." The words were mumbled. His face was in her neck now, kissing every available part of it.

"No Remus, I know that. But we're not alone and we have to leave now." He pulled back at that. His eyebrows furrowed.

In the corner of the shack a large filthy dog was stirring awake from its slumber.


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