24. Old Friends

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The noise spun Remus around. Before him was a dog. A dog that was a man. A man that was his friend, until he betrayed their friends. Remus felt a fury in him stir that started the night Harry Potter stopped Voldemort. His wand was out in an instant facing it at the now transforming dog.

"You murderous traitor! You foul vulgar excuse of a friend, you should burn in hell for what you've done. You...." his face was in such a rage it would have scared the Grim away. He brought his hand back ready to curse this man to oblivion when Diondre had stepped in front of him, holding her hands up.

"No! Remus stop!" She shouted in a panic.

"Move out of the way Diondre! Let me give this man what he deserves." Remus growled like a feral, very angry wolf.

"No! Listen to me! Black didn't betray the Potters! Petter Pedigrew did! He was the secret keeper all along! Remus you have to believe me me, he's innocent. I can feel he's innocent, Remus I know!" She said the last part meaningfully.

Remus lowered his wand and looked at her. "You knew he was here the whole time? What the fuck is wrong with you! He could have killed Harry!"

"If I had even an inkling that Harry Potter was in danger you would have been the first to know. But Sirius doesn't want to kill him, he wants to kill Rons rat, Peter Pedigrew. Please, just hear him out, he's innocent." She was desperate. He couldn't hurt his friend, it would destroy him.

Sirius watched them, aware his fate rested with how convincing Diondre could be. "My old friend." He said quietly staring at Remus. He never thought he would see him again.

Remus looked up at him. The times Sirius had kept him company in dog form on his transformations came to mind. He trusted Diondre with everything, if she believed this man was innocent then he was. He realised he trusted him too. How could he have ever thought otherwise. He stepped past Diondre and pulled the rough looking man into a hug. The heartbreak of having lost all of his friends in one night eased a bit. He still had his Pads.

Diondre watched the men laugh and hug. She could feel the depth of their reunion.

She conjured the two small sofas she had got for Black's comfort out of the corner of the shack so the men could sit and talk.

" I'll make some tea shall I?" She asked, more so to herself. Diondre was much calmer now no one stood at risk at dying. Her voice still shook on her question. She had come to care a lot for Sirius Black, and having him nearly killed as an innocent man pained her terribly.

Remus looked around confused, there wasn't anything in here to make tea with. She conjured a kettle from a cupboard. That cupboard didn't exist when he used this place to transform. He was hit with the sudden realisation Diondre had been here a lot, he shook his head and saved it as a conversation to have another time.

"Yes please dear."

She set of to make the tea as the men took a seat and Sirius explained Peters deception. Remus listened intently, wanting nothing than his friend back. When Black had finished talking there was no doubt in his mind that it was the truth. Once the atmosphere had calmed Black started to notice little things about the duo and questions began to rise.

"So why is it you two apparated into my shack." He raised a messy eyebrow.

"I think you'll find it's my shack." Remus raised his own eyebrows, avoiding the question.

"Well then, why have you apparated with a student into 'your' shack where you knew no one would be?" He asked again.

Diondre swooped in with tea the save her professor. "I told him I wanted to practice my mood things, he said he knew a place that we wouldn't be interrupted. I never thought he meant here." She gave Sirius an apologetic look as she handed him his cup.

Sirius was well aware that Diondre was seeing a professor so he didn't believe a word.

"Thank you beautiful." He replied taking the cup, giving her a big grin with all his rotting teeth. Diondre just chuckled and gave the other cup to Remus. There was only two seats so she opted to sit on the floor but before she could Sirius shifted on his so there was room for two.

"I swear, if you give me scabies." She warned before sharing his seat.

"Fleas, dogs don't get scabies. Besides the cream you rubbed into me got rid of them."

Remus kept his face calm, knowing what his friend was trying to do.

The three of them sat for hours and chatted. A huge load of darkness had been lifted off Lupins shoulders, enjoying the time he spent with his two favourite people. Even if they were flirting back and forth here and there.

The sofas were old and worn, he could tell they used to be yellow, Diondre's favourite colour. He imagined they were striking once, laced through with gold thread and vibrant flowers, probably belonging to someone rich. Over time their beauty had faded along with their place in the world, now they sat in the shrieking shack, not quite belonging. He couldn't help but think they related with the two old broken down men that sat on them.

"It's getting late Diondre, it might be best to get back before your curfew." Remus suggested when Black put his arm around her shoulders.

They both got up and he led her to the tunnel entrance.

"I'm not sure I will be able to visit you again my friend. But I hope you accomplish what you came here to do. Stay safe padfoot, I can't loose another one." He pulled Sirius in for one last hug then ushered Diondre down the tunnel.

"One last thing Moony, you might want to do up your trouser button." Sirius winked.

Remus went red, realising Diondre had only done back up the zipper, and it was all the more blatant what he had taken her here to do.

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