14. Smitten

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Lupin conceded. Rather than cancelling her detentions all together he transferred them back to him. He should have done the former but a selfish need to be near her took over him. His body still remembered the imprint of her smaller one when she had wrapped her arms around his torso and pulled herself into him. An unusual dizzy feeling overcame him that he usually feels when he becomes rather too passionate about a topic.

"I think I might be smitten." He said to a horned water demon that was shaking the bars of his cage. The Grindylow only grunted in response and shook the cage harder. "I know, I know. Terribly inappropriate. She probably doesn't like me in the slightest, only flirts for a bit of a laugh." He sighed, realising he's being an idiot. Of course she doesn't like him, she likes the chase. But fuck it, if it means he has her attention he'll run.


Diondre had finished tidying away the mess from the Cornish pixies, it had gone quick with the help of Lupins record player. Those things are the epitemy of mischief, how in the world had the desk ended up stuck on the ceiling was beyond her. Today is supposed to be the last of her punishment for being rude to Lupin in class. She will miss this time she had with him, being near him in any respect made her so happy she was sure she was glowing with it. She'd been bobbing her head and swinging her arms all through the tidying but now her hands were free she let the music take her body wherever it very well wanted.

Lupin had just returned with the books he needed for the 6th years to see to Diondre sweeping through the room like a whirlwind, vaguely in time to the music. She was quite something else.

Diondre could feel her professors eyes on her, he had been standing there for sometime before he put the books down. He was curious and amused, not angry. She'd wanted him to be annoyed with her, so they'd bicker and he'd have to give her more punishments allowing her more time with him. She didn't realise Lupins nature could never condemn dancing to a scratchy record player as something to be punished. It didn't matter what type of back talking girl was doing it.

She felt her hand get grabbed then she was spinning into a chest. Lupin had the biggest grin on his face as he twirled her. He let her go and they continued to dance with one another, he was a whole lot worse than her but she couldn't help but think he was the coolest person she had ever seen. They spun around each other and bopped up and down, slowing down at dramatic parts of the songs to re-enact the lyrics, awfully cheesy. They were both in fits of laughter with little intention of slowing down.
Lupin felt light for the first time in a long while, she really brought out the best in him, she was like the sun rising when the full moon goes down. Something to live for.
Diondre became so dizzy she fell into his arms. She could feel the admiration in her eyes for this lonely scarred man.
"You're perfect" she whispered into his ear before twirling away.

"Ahem." They both stopped at the sound of the cough. "I hope I'm not interrupting something." Professor McGonagalls sharp voice rang through.

Diondre looked just as delighted to see her as she was to dance, replying easily, luckily for Lupin who was trying to regain his composure.

"Not at all professor! You are welcome to join us if you like?" She held out her hand for the elder lady.

"Oh goodness no," McGonagall chuckled shyly. "I'll leave the bouncing around to you young folk, I'm more a ball dancer myself. Remus, a word if you could?" With that she turned her back and left the classroom, Remus close behind.

Diondre mouthed 'young folk' to Lupin as he glanced back at her. She knew something was wrong but couldn't help but feel very pleased that she now knew his first name.


"Is something the matter Minerva?" He asked, knowing this could only be about Harry.

"I'm afraid so Remus, there's been a breach in the castle. Sirius black has got into the Griffindor common room. We'll need to tighten the protections around the school, for that I'll need your help." Her tone was very concerned. Lupins heart hammered, if anything were to happen to James's son..

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