11. Detention, detention.

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This was her 5th detention this week with professor Lupin. Each one as deathly silent as the first. She kinda liked him angry, there was a roughness about him now that left her mind to wonder to forbidden thoughts. His clothes were askew, his shirt half unbuttoned and his hair a wild mess, he'd been looking smart when she first got here but his gradual frustration of her sitting there had taken its toll. He had a small bruise on his face from the fall he had taken yesterday. Diondre should feel guilty but it was his fault for over reacting.

Diondre had enough of grading these 1st years. She got up and walked around the table and sat on his desk right in front of him, on top of what poor students paper it may be. Lupin looked up at her, a little surprised. "Diondre what are yo.."

"Are you ignoring me?" She cuts in.

"Ignoring you? No of course not, but I don't know what you expect from a detention." He tells her sharply, to fight his treacherous brain thinking of a much better way to spend this hour.

She feels out his emotions, they match her own. She wants him to kiss her but he hasn't done anything since that first night when she rejected him. She leans his face close to his. "Are you sure?"

Lupin can feel her breath on his lips and finds it hard to do the right thing, she's irresistible, he shuts his eyes so he can't see that look on her face. He can't stop himself if she looks at him like that. "Diondre, please." He begs her to stop, his voice pained. She only brings her face closer so their lips brush, then starts to lean away. Quick as a beat he has his arms around her and his lips hard on hers, kissing her with all the passion of an illegal romance. And that it was.

Diondre moulded into him, his lips rough, his hands grabbed at her painfully in all the ways she imagined in her day dreams during his lessons. It was all warmth and desperation. Responding to him she pressed her self further into his body, feeling as though even now she wasn't close enough. Very aware of his touch on her back and the roughness on her face from him having a mustache her body was set alight.

Then it was over.

And she was being shoved out the door.

"Detention over miss Gargoyle, goodnight." Remus said through the closing door.

Remus leaned on the door he had just shut in such a gorgeous girl's face. His heart beating a mile a minute. He wanted nothing more than for her to still be in his arms, kissing him back as desperately as he had been kissing her. But it was his fault she felt this way and he couldn't allow that, no one in a position of authority should be conducting a relationship with someone in their charge. He knows he should block her out completely but her flushed cheeks came into mind and his own unsteady breathing.
He has more important things to be worrying about, like keeping Harry safe. And Sirius Black. Not his desire for a girl almost half his age.

Diondre sighed and turned to her dorms. The rejection didn't hurt, not when she knew what he really wanted. She was sour non the less. What a perfect night it could have been. She understands he feels guilty for the way he is with her, like her own mind isn't her own and he manipulated into wanting him. He's wrong, she knows her own wants and understands other people more than they do. Lupin is a pure, kind man, he has done no crime with her, if only she could show him how he makes her feel... Her thoughts trailing off to the feeling in her stomach when he's near, it's nothing like the butterflies she's heard described, more like those butterflies were playing a quidditch match. Violent and exciting.

The next day Diondre was informed she would be spending her detentions with Professor Snape instead and she was furious.

"Absolutely not! He gave me the detention so he deals with it!"

Snape wasn't in the mood. She had been going on about this for half an hour, he had things to do. Things that weren't listening to a teenage girl complain about the unfairness of detentions.

"I'm sorry Miss Gargoyle but you are doing your detention with me whether you like it or not. "  His voice was sharp and allowed no room for argument. Diondre however didn't care about things like that.

"I am not. He can't shirk off responsibility like that!" She went on. How dare he, one kiss and he can't take the repercussion of seeing her again.

Snape was getting very frustrated. Lupin must have done this to torture him, he had half a mind to storm the girl back up to his office and shove her in there.

"MISS GARGOYLE! I am warning you. Keep your mouth shut." He glared at her.

Diondre snapped her mouth closed and returned the glare, flopping down into the spare chair in his office. She crossed her arms over her chest so her potions teacher would know she was angry, it was futile, he was already well aware.

They stared at each other for perhaps another half hour, Snape had intended that this detention be spent with her organising his potion ingredients but he didn't dare mention it lest she started up again. He would hex her if she did.

"Why do you care so much that Professor Lupin administers your detention?" He asked her.

"Because he gave me two bloody weeks of it."

Snape's eyebrows shot up, he was not doing this for weeks.

"Why?" Snape hadn't been informed of the reason for Miss Gargoyles detention, it was very unlike her. However he had some ideas, not being wholly impartial to the rumours that spread around.

"I called him an old man, if I had known he was so sensitive about his age I would have called him an antiquated hag." She said. Snape's lips quipped up, he was warming up to the girl.

When the detention was finally served Professor Snape informed the girl he would have a word with Lupin tomorrow. He would not sit and listen to her rattle on for another week, nevermind how many insults she throws in about Lupin.

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