17. Too much

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Diondre had gone to bed early to avoid the noise and friendly chit chat from Faith. Faith had been acting unusual around her lately, the relationship between her and Penny never commenced, in a way Diondre was grateful, she'd hate to have to split her time between the two of them when it undoubtedly went wrong, there is barely enough of it as it is. But in another way she wasn't at all, the subconscious part of her mind realised Faith was developing a crush on her, the conscious part of her mind was dismissing it entirely. Her best friend couldn't like her for Diondre wasn't gay. No matter what she thought of Faiths slim and soft figure. Or the extra notice she paid the colour of her lips. Or how she sometimes wants to reach and wrap Faiths blonde locks around her fingers, Diondre didn't like girls. These things were normal to think about your best friend, even if she didn't have the same inclinations about Tahlia.

Diondre sighed and turned over in her bed, pulling up the jumper she had bought Lupin. It would be weeks until Christmas and she wanted to give it to him now. Maybe she could go and apologies. Maybe she should make him apologies. Making up her mind she got up and dressed herself to go and visit Remus Lupin. She had no idea what she would say to him, or even her reason for visiting, but she felt tugged to him as though a frayed piece of cotton had come loose from his cardigan and wrapped around her heart.

She knocked gently on the door to his bed chambers, she had already tried his office, he wasn't there.

He opens it this time. "Diondre! What are you doing here? Come in, come in, before Filch sees you."

"Thank you Professor, I went to Filch at eight to see about my detention but he said you never gave me one." She told him, walking in.

"Ah, yes. I decided that actually I quite deserved that smack." He smiled shyly at her. He hadn't done anything to take the red down, it still sat as a reminder of Diondre's temper.

"I am sorry Professor." She reached up her hand again to his face, stroking his cheek with her finger tips. Remus found himself trapped in her eyes - a place he doesn't mind being held prisoner.

"I want to kiss you." He says. Maybe it was the dim light that obscured his view from responsibility. Or the crackling fireplace that gave way to all those magical moments that happen in the dead of night, but he couldn't fight himself this time around as she stood before him; He didn't want to.

"Please kiss me." Diondre whispers.

He touched his mouth to hers, her chest exploding with heat. His lips were so gentle this time, pressing her softly into the wall, his hands sliding down her shoulders barely touching her, she could feel it like little shots of static shooting down her arms. He continues walking her into the wall so their bodies are flush, his kiss still feather light. The emotion grew too much in her chest and exploded outwards...through him. Shit!

Remus pushes back overwhelmed.
"What was that?" He asks,

"I'm so sorry, that happens sometimes, you know I'm an Empath? Sometimes I pass on what I'm feeling, I'm really sorry." She goes on apologetic. Diondre couldn't hate herself more for ruining that moment.

"I thought you could control it?" He asks, briefly remembering her mentioning the reverse empathy thing.

"I can mostly, sometimes on my really bad days those standing closest to me burst out crying in the corridors, I really am sorry Remus, I lost control."

Remus sits back on his bed, wiping his brow on his sleeve. "It's ok Diondre, I just wasn't expecting that. Is..is that really how I make you feel?" He looks up at her, his eyes wide and earnest.

Swollowing her embarrassment Diondre allowed her emotions into him. "Kiss me again and you'll see."

As he walked closer her heart began to beat faster as her blood sped up. She watched it effect him. More with every step. He kissed her again and it was like a shot through her, and through him as he felt all that she felt. He shuddered, deepening the kiss. His hand was on her face now holding her there as he pushed his lips almost painfully on hers, finding that it was not enough. Neither could tell you how long they stayed like that, but when Remus brought his face away to burry into the crook of her neck he was out of breath, his skin tingling all over.

"You feel...too much Diondre" he whispered breathless into her neck.

Diondre doesn't really remember her walk back to the dorms. She felt like she was on a cloud. He didn't throw her out this time, instead they sat and talked. They talked about her abilities. How Dumbledore helped her to control them, her suspicions of the headmaster also being an empath. The training she's been doing with them now, the hard parts and the exciting parts.
About Remus and his lycanthropy, how he copes with being a warewolf and how much worse it used to be. He told her of his friends, their support. The love they had for each, and his concern for the son of two of those friends, Harry.
They talked so much Diondre's back ached from their sitting position on the bed but he was running his fingers over her hand; she didn't dare move it incase he would stop. She listened to him with the interest of a young child being read their favourite book. Eventually it became too late, and the ache too much. She left him with a happy heart and a kiss on the cheek.


This lesson Diondre didn't tease her teacher at all. She was too busy trying to bite down the huge smile threatening her face at the sight of him. She couldn't stop imagining his lazy smile in the dark haze of his room and his fingers running idly on her skin.

The class didn't find their silence surprising, the memory of his outburst at her was still stark in their minds. They all presumed Diondre Gargoyle had learnt her lesson. As to why she was all smiley they didn't question, she was just a happy person.

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