Food fight, movies, what did they do now?

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Getting up I started getting ready, as I was buttoning my shirt Ryan came back in. Ryan was still messing with his hair and makeup when I was done getting ready.

"Ryyyyy, come on. We're only going out for dinner."

"I'll be done in a minute."

I groaned, flopping down on the bed. This boy and his makeup, I swear. After what felt like years he was finally done, "Let me get my shoes on then we'll go."

"I shall meet you downstairs."

Going downstairs I find Sapphire sitting on the couch, "You ready to go kiddo?"


Ryan came downstairs as I grabbed the car keys, "So where do you want to go?"

"I get to choose?"

"Well yeah." We got in the car and she said, "Red Lobster?"

"If that's where you want to go."

-Timeskip to the restaurant-

"So what's the reason for going out tonight?"

I looked at Sapphire, "Does there need to be a reason?" She looked between me and Ryan, but before she could say anything else the waiter came over. After ordering our food she looked back at me, her eyes widening.

"Is it because I called you both dad?"

I felt my face heat up as Ryan laughed, "Yeah."

"Ryyyyyyy you weren't supposed to tell her!"

I hid my face in his shoulder as they both laughed, "I hate you both." They only laughed harder while I wanted nothing more than to disappear. I lifted my head off Ryan's shoulder as they both calmed down.

"I'm sorry dad but you're a dork."

I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my drink, flipping her off as I set it back down.


Ryan shoved my shoulder and I laughed as Sapphire shook her head. After a few minutes the waiter returned with our food.

~Sapphire's POV~

They started arguing over halloween costumes or something so I started throwing shrimp at them to get them to shut up. Brendon threw it back and it turned into me and Brendon throwing shrimp at each other.

"Omg, will you two quit it."

We continued to throw the shrimp at each other, ignoring Ryan.

"If you two stop we'll get ice cream on the way home."

I paused my movements and looked at Ryan, "Really?"


True to his words after dinner we got ice cream. Upon getting home I sat on the couch, still happily munching on my ice cream. Brendon and Ryan sat on either side of me, Brendon turned on the tv.

"Want to watch a movie?"


We ended up watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, singing along to almost every song. We then proceeded to watch Hotel Transylvania before I ended up falling asleep.

When I woke up I found that I was still on the couch with Brendon, who was still asleep. Wiggling out from under his arm I went into the kitchen to find Ryan making coffee.

"Morning Saph."

"Morning dad." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Sleep well?"


I sat at the small island as he started getting things out to make breakfast. I noticed Ryan's phone a few feet away from me, still on. The background looked kind of familiar. It was a picture of me and Brendon asleep on the couch. It honestly was kinda cute, I was snuggled close to him and he had an arm around me. Ryan must've put a blanket on us cause I didn't remember there being one on the couch.

"How would you like your eggs?"

I looked away from his phone quickly, "Scrambled."

"With cheese?"


Brendon woke up around 10 minutes later, mumbling something about how it was "fucking freezing." As I was putting my dishes in the sink Ryan told me to go get dressed, we were going to the studio today. I grabbed my phone and ran upstairs into my room.

I pulled out my black ripped skinny jeans and a Black Parade shirt. After getting changed I put on my bracelets and grabbed my earbuds. Shoving them into my pocket I grabbed my sketchbook and pencil bag. Going back downstairs I find Ryan sitting on the couch, "Once Brendon's done perfecting his hair we'll go."

I laughed, grabbing my shoes. Of course Brendon would complain about Ryan doing it only to do it himself. After a few minutes Brendon came down and we left.

Arriving at the studio Brendon and Ryan disappear off to Panics! room, saying something about teaching a new member the upcoming album songs. Which left me to my own devices. After drawing for a while I got bored, time to go bother people. Tyler and Josh weren't here so I went on the hunt to find FOB.

I checked their room, they weren't there. I checked My Chem's room and they weren't there either. Going to the cafeteria I opened the door and wasn't expecting what I saw...

A/N: Hehehe, I left it on a little cliffhanger because I can. I'm working on the next chapter now so it should be out today, in like a hour or two. Hopefully...

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