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It was a normal night at Camp Half Blood. The Campers were sitting at the campfire, singing Campfire songs.

Suddenly, Rachel's eyes started glowing serpent green, and a serpent of green fog came out of Rachel's mouth, and it shaped itself into a girl dressed in rags, with seaweed in her hair and on her dress, and sand on her feet. The girl looked extremely damp, like she'd been submerged in water for a long time.

The girl started speaking;

"5 shall embark to Rookwood school.
And befriend the mirrors and the princess left on Naxos.
Prime Knowledge will go up in smoke
But the wrongly accused will hold the key
The Owl, the dove, the gold, the praetor and the Lightning, together with the mirrors,
will Imprison the guilty, and help the whispers be heard
And bring justice to the forgotten soul''

After the girl said the last line, the fog cleared up, and Rachel's eyes stopped glowing. She would've face planted into the ground if it weren't for Annabeth and Piper, who caught her right before that happened.

Everyone was silent for a moment. Then the volume of the place erupted, with everyone talking to each other and trying to be heard on top of the noise of everyone else.

"What does that mean?"

"Who is it talking about?"

"Who was that girl?"

"What's Rookwood school?"

"Not another DAM prophecy!"

"What did she say?"

"That girl needs a touch-up!"

The talking went on until Chiron stomped his hoof, signalling to the campers that he wanted silence.

"We will figure out what this Prophecy means tomorrow." He said. "In the meantime, it's getting late, and it's time for you all to go to bed".

**The Next day**

Chiron called the council of Cabin Leaders, to discuss the new Prophecy.

"What's Woot Woot school?" Asked Leo, looking like he was going to burst.

"Rookwood school is an all girls boarding school in the UK" said Chiron. "It was once a grand house, that got turned into a school in later years"

"So that means that the prophecy most likely means '5 girls' " said Annabeth.

"The Owl, the dove, the gold, the Praetor and Lightning" said Katie Gardener. "Who could those be?"

"The Praetor I think is for Reyna" said Percy. "Since she's the only person who I can think of that fits that one. What about Dove?"

"Well the first time Leo, Piper and I had a quest, The dove meant Piper." said Jason. "So I think that's her. And I think 'The Owl' most likely means Annabeth, being her mum's symbol and all".

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Who's 'the gold'?" Asked Clarisse.

"Hazel" said Nico. "She can control natural metals underground and stuff. Plus, she's really the only person it could be"

"That leaves 'The Lightning' " said Piper

"That's probably Thalia" replied Annabeth. "Thalia and Jason are the only 2 children of Zeus or Jupiter in a long time. If it's an all girls boarding school, Jason couldn't go."

Chiron nodded.
"That sounds right"

"Who is 'the princess left on Naxos' and they mirrors?'" asked Piper.

"I'm sure you'll meet them once you get there" said Chiron. "In the meantime, I'm going to set up a place for the 5 of you to stay the night before you go to Rookwood. I have an old friend who lives in England, with 2 girls who go to Rookwood"

And just like that, everything was settled. Annabeth and Piper would meet with Thalia, Hazel and Reyna, and would stay somewhere where they would be accommodated for a night before they went to Rookwood to begin their quest.

However, while the council of cabin leaders held their meeting, there was more going on outside.

Rachel was on her way back to the Cave of the Oracle. She walked past the Big House, where she knew a meeting was being held. As she passed the verandah, Rachel felt something move inside her.
She dropped to the floor as her eyes glowed green once again like the previous night. But she didn't mutter anything. Instead, she saw. Her mind was filled with a vision that afterwards she couldn't make much sense of.

Rachel ran back to the cave. She grabbed a piece of chalk and started drawing on the floor of the cave so she wouldn't forget it.

She then ran back to the Big House. The meeting let out just as her fit hit the porch and Rachel sidled out of the way as everyone streamed out.

Chiron came last, discussing something with Annabeth and Piper, and the three stood on the porch for a while talking. Rachel waited for a while, picturing every little detail in her head of what she had seen so she wouldn't forget it.

It didn't take long for them to notice Rachel standing beside them. Once she had their attention, Rachel beckoned them over to the cave where the drawing was.
The drawing looked like a drain cover wearing a fin. It was decorated with Roman numerals like a clock.

"What is it?" Asked Annabeth, bending down to inspect the drawing, careful not to smudge the chalk.

Chiron shook his head. "It appears there has been a change of plans."

"What do you mean?" Asked Piper.

"It appears as though we will need a change of plan."

Demigods at Rookwood Where stories live. Discover now