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The heavy rain pounded against the window. Lightning occasionally flashing across the night sky lighting up the otherwise dark apartment.

Jimin laid in his bed a blanket thrown over him. He stared at the blank wall in front of him. His thoughts running wild in his mind. He felt numb but that was a feeling he had grown accustomed to years ago.

Jimin's eyes drifted over to the digital clock on his nightstand. 2:40 AM. He sighed knowing it would be another sleepless night. Another to add to the list of countless others. It was getting to the point where Jimin was sure he'd die soon if he didn't get at least an hour of rest.

He got up from his previous position and instead opted to be seated on the edge of his bed. He leaned forward placing his head in his hands as he let out a grunt of frustration. He needs to sleep. There were only two things that have ever lured him into slumber. Sleeping pills, but to be completely honest every time he picked up the bottle he had the urge to down more than what was prescribed so he avoided them at all cost, and a particular voice but he knew to listen to it would only cause him pain.

He had an internal debate in his head before finally standing up hesitant and walked across the room to his desk where he retrieved his phone. He always left it far away from him so he wouldn't be tempted to mess around with it when he inevitably lost his battle of sleep.

By the time he was back in bed his finger was hovering over the video, he watched approximately a hundred times. The thumbnail of the video already making his heartache.

Jimin took a deep breath before pressing his phone down and relaxing back into bed.

Several voices began to leave the speaker of the phone but Jimin focused on just one. The one that made so many memories flash through his mind. Fond memories that still made him feel like someone had a tight grip on his heart. Yet at the same time, it brought him peace. Before he knew his eyes fluttered shut.


The middle schooler grinned widely his hands holding onto his best friend's hands. He was walking backward shaking his head.

"You're so stupid," Jimin giggled.

The older smiled just as wide as he rolled his eyes. "You live for my stupidity."

The brunette scoffed. "More like I'm going to die due to your stupidity." He turned around making his way to the swings. They were rusty and paint chipping off the poles from the years of constant use and the seasonal weather.

The raven hair laughed throwing his head back. "You're so dramatic."

"We just had to evacuate to my backyard because you almost burned the house down with a cup of noodles!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry I forgot the water!" He exclaimed tugging the boy towards him. He stumbles but the raven hair easily wrapped his arms around his torso keeping him from falling.

The younger glances up humming. He was content in his best friend's arm. His best friend more than happy to hold him there for as long as he let him.

"You're really warm," Jimin whispered.

The older raised his brow. "Were you cold before?"

Jimin rose his hand pinching his fingers together only leaving a small gap. "Just a tiny bit."

The raven-haired smiled, the type of smile that showed of his gums alongside his teeth, as he wrapped his arm tighter around his best friend. "I'll keep you warm then."

Jimin reopened his eyes only three hours later. He could feel a headache forming in the back of his eyes making him regret even attempting to get a good night of sleep. Now he was tired and in pain.

"Fuck," he hissed rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. He stayed in bed for a few more minutes before getting up and going through the usual motions.

He spent a particularly long time in the shower his mind still foggy with the dream, more like memories, he had during his slumber. When stepped out he was feeling slightly better so he decided to practice some of the things he would have to go over during work later that day.

Jimin has been so focused on what he was doing he didn't even realize he was running late. By the time he did notice he had already missed his bus so he decided not to rush. After all, what was the point if he would have to wait for the next one to arrive regardless.

He kept his head down. One hand stuffed into his hoodie the other gripping tightly onto his duffle bag. He took a deep breath letting the petrichor invading his senses. He loved it when it rained. He loved the smell, he loved the way the sky looked, and the memories that he associates with it were some that he cherished the most.

When arriving at the bus stop he looked around eyes meeting with an advertisement. Maybe it because he was in a semi-good mood but instead of quickly looking away like he normally did he continued to look at the advertising screen. He couldn't help his lips twitching into a small smile. As quickly as it came it vanished. He walked past the ad and towards the bus that had just arrived.

When he finally got to work he rushed to the room where he saw about twenty people sitting around and stretching their limbs.

"Jimin!" A man called from the front of the class. He slightly cringed as he made his way over. "You're late again."

"I know sorry. I lost track of time and missed the bus," he explains placing his bag next to the fellow instructor's duffle bag. "I'll be back. I have to clock in," he was about to walk out when the man grabbed his wrist.

"I did it for you when I saw you were behind. But seriously you need to get here on time. They will fire you, you know."

Jimin sighed in relief smiling at him. "Thank you, Taemin. You're a lifesaver."

The twenty-six-year-old waved him off. "It's nothing," he turned to the class. "Alright everybody let's begin."

The One Who Got Away // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now