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"My mom tried to call you. You know, when it was all happening." Jimin mumbled. "She said the number was disconnected."

Yoongi rubbed his face roughly. "The company made us change all our phone numbers. They said it was for safety reasons."

"Yeah. I figured," Jimin leaned his head back on the car seat. They were parked in front of the park. Yoongi had wanted to step out and maybe sit on the swing set but Jimin had refused. He didn't want to talk out in the open. God forbid one of the rappers fans saw them so instead the older climbed into the back with him.

"I was going to tell you," Jimin didn't look at him. His hands clenching and unclenching. Half the time Jimin didn't even realize he was doing that. He wasn't even sure when that had become a habit.

"Why didn't you?"

The younger laughed humorlessly. "I was on my way when my dad and I got into a car accident." He sighed closing his eyes. He hated reliving this. But it was time to let go of the secret. "It was only like ten minutes away from your dorm."

Yoongi furrowed his brows. "What?" It was barely audible.

"It was like I don't know maybe a month after you debuted. I decided that I would go see you and tell you everything. I didn't tell you before that because I didn't want you to lose your focus."

"A month after.." he trailed off.

"Yeah, we had just left the gas station and we were crossing the light and this girl was speeding. The police told us she was texting which is why she didn't see us." Jimin shook his head rolling his eyes. "She slammed into my door. Some firefighters had to cut me out. You want to the know shitty part," the man huffed. "She's perfectly okay. She was driving this big ass truck and we were in my dad's Toyota so we had the worst of it. I think the worst that she had were a few cuts and bruises."

Yoongi sat frozen. He had seen that accident. He remembered complaining about how slow traffic had been since after a long day all he wanted was to go to bed. He remembered driving past it and seeing how destroyed the car had been but not giving it a second thought.

"Meanwhile my dad and I had multiple surgeries," Jimin stared at his hand. His scars were faded barely even noticeable now. "My dad can't walk anymore. I have a bad knee that hurts whenever it's cold and a life time of trauma. But hey she learned her lesson," he said bitterly. "Mommy and daddy just had to pay a huge settlement and she got to walk away like nothing. As if she's not the reason our daughter isn't here."

Yoongi didn't know what to say.

"From what my mom says they tried they best to keep her in but I was bleeding internally and her heart rate kept dropping so they had to deliver her." He said numbly. "I swear I-I lost a part of myself."


Jimin wanted nothing more than to see his daughter. It had been a week since he had woken up and the most he's seen of her were photos his nurse, Jieun, had taken for him. She was so tiny. About the size of the nurse's hand. He only knew that because Jieun had put her hand besides her for comparison. She had an oxygen tube and many other things, that Jimin didn't know the name of, connected to her. She was on a heating pad because she couldn't regulate her own temperature. All in all it broke the teenagers heart.

He had been begging to see her but his doctor would keep telling him he wanted him to be more recovered so he could make the journey to the NICU on his own two feet.

It was only when the baby had stopped breathing in the middle of the night and had to be resuscitated that Jimin's doctor gave him the okay to go see her. He couldn't walk on his own his leg still broken and body still aching intensely. He had to be taken in a wheelchair but it was better than nothing.

He was made to put on scrubs and a face mask before entering the NICU. He passed by several baby's and parents. Some looked bigger and healthier than others.

When he reached his own baby his breath hitched. There she was in all her tiny glory. God, was she beautiful. Her skin pale, borderline translucent, and had thin hair that looked more like peach fuzz than hair. She had a tiny little button like nose. Thin lips. She was Jimin's little star.

"Hi, love," he whispered pressing his hand against the plastic of the incubator. Half of it was covered by the blanket that his dad that had gotten her just a few weeks before. Jimin had asked his mom to bring it since he wanted her to have it. It was her's. Even if it was just for the little while she would be around.

"I'm sorry I didn't come see you earlier," he wanted to cry but he refused to. Not around her. He had to be strong.

He bit his lip. He glanced over at the nurse who stood behind him. "C-can I touch her?"

Jieun nodded wheeling him as close as she could before opening one of the little holes. The teenager stuck his hand in he was careful not to disturb any of the wires. He grabbed on of her hands rubbing his thumb over it before reaching over running his finger over her hair. Her eyes watching her chest as it rose and fell. "Min Byeol," he whispered.

"That's your name, darling." His voice shook. "Daddy would've love to be here but I messed up so he can't but know he loves you. So do I, little star. Never doubt that."


"Min Byeol," Yoongi mumbled thinking back on the name on the headstone.

Jimin hummed against the window feeling a knot in his throat. "Do you remember when we picked that name?" The younger asked.

The idol nodded swallowing feeling a lump in his own throat. "Yeah, I think it was that time when we went to that lake with your parents," he sighed. "We were being cheesy and walking at night together and there were lots of stars. I forgot which one of us said it but we said we'd name out first child, regardless of gender, Byeol because they'd be out little star."

"You said it," the silver-haired mumbled. "I laughed at you," he sniffed. "But I swear the moment I saw her she was my little star." He smiled softly.

Yoongi frowned. 

The One Who Got Away // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now