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Two years pass and Jimin and Yoongi's relationship was better than ever.

Once Jimin was accepted to one of the schools he applied to he moved to Seoul in the same apartment building as Yoongi. The older tended to spend most nights in his boyfriend's apartment versus his own.

Jimin had become very close to his boyfriend's bandmates. The two youngest becoming his best friends. Any day he had free he tended to tag along to their practices, always just sitting around and watching as to not disturb or distract them. On occasion, he would stand in the background to dance along with them. Sometimes if someone was struggling he'd help them. When they had free time the seven of them spent it all together. Although Jimin and Hoseok never became close. They just tolerated each other.

"Jimin!" Jungkook yelled. He was grimacing trying to keep the older away.

The brunette only laughed trying to bring his face closer to kiss his cheek. He was only doing it because he knew the younger hated that.

"Leave the kid alone," Yoongi said having enough of Jungkook's whining.

Jimin pouts backing away from the younger but only enough for him to think he was safe before diving down and landing a kiss on his cheek. The boy shrieks pushing him away and beginning to wipe his cheek as if Jimin had just given him cooties.

He laughs as he skips over to the boy who laid on the couch. He threw himself on top of him.

"My love," he dragged out his words. "Why are you cranky?"

Yoongi smiled softly pecking his boyfriend's nose. "I'm just sleepy," he mumbled.

Jimin smiled intertwining their hands together. His eyes going to the matching rings on their ring fingers. They were promise rings Yoongi had bought for them for their two-year anniversary last year. When he gave it to Jimin he told him it was just a substitute engagement ring until they were older and their careers were stable. He had even gotten the words forever and always engraved into it. Jimin was in love with it. A year later you can catch him slipping it off just to read the inside of it for the millionth time.

"Let's go take a nap," he mumbled. Yoongi nodded letting himself be dragged off the couch towards the bedroom. Jimin stuck out his middle finger at Jungkook when he began to let out loud gags.


Jimin rubbed his face. He couldn't sleep. Nothing new.

His eyes kept drifting over to his phone. His hands twitching to answer the dozen of unread messages.

After the concert, Jimin had been avoiding the boys. Just a little bit. He just needed time to think about what he wanted to do. Did he want to tell Yoongi everything? Did he want to tell him only half of what he's been keeping from him? Maybe he should just leave it as it is and not bring it up. Truthfully he didn't want to talk about it. That part of his life was painful. He didn't want Yoongi to feel even remotely how he felt. But if he didn't tell him he would just feel guilty for not doing so.

He stood up going over to his phone. He felt bad seeing the text messages. He felt bad he just ghosted them. Again. It wouldn't be for long this time. He clicked on them scrolling but didn't bother answering.

He scrolled through his contacts until he reached the person he had been searching for. He looked at the time. 1:32 AM. He contemplated calling. He didn't want to bother him. He was most likely sleeping.

"Fuck it," he mumbled before clicking the contact and bring the phone up to his ear. He brought his thumb up to his mouth bitting at the side of his nail as he waited for the call to be picked up. He sighed when it went to voicemail deciding not to call again.

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