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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The noise greeted Jimin the second he gained consciousness. The noise was persistent and quickly became annoying. It wasn't loud yet it made the throbbing headache feel nearly unbearable.

He let out a whimper as he attempted to open his eyes. His eyelids feeling like cinder blocks.

Panic began to rise as he was met with a mostly dim room. He couldn't recognize his surroundings.

The beeping became quicker.

"Hey, hey you're okay," a woman Jimin had never seen before came rushing in. She tried to place a reassuring hand on him but it only scared the teenager more. "It's okay. You were in an accident but you're okay!" she tried grabbed his arms as he began to thrash around. More people came rushing in grabbing his arms and legs to try to stop him from moving and hurting himself more.

His eyes frantically scanned around trying to find someone he recognized but there was no one. Where was his dad? Where was his mom? He needed them, where were they? Where was Yoongi? He wanted Yoongi. He needed him. He couldn't wonder for too much more before his eyes once again fluttered shut and his world became dark again.


Jimin was seated in the back of Yoongi's car. Neither saying a word. Jimin trying to remain calm. His fist clenching and unclenching. He would much rather have taken the bus but it was late and the buses had stopped running by now and it wasn't too safe to be walking home in the dark all by his lonesome.

Yoongi trying to process what he had just seen.

"We need to talk about this," Yoongi had been the one to break the silence. It had been the first time either of them had said anything since they left their daughters grave.

"I know," the grey-haired whispered.


The second time Jimin had opened his eyes his mother was seated beside his bed.

"Hey, baby bear," she whispered when she noticed he was awake.

Jimin didn't say anything. He just stared.

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't here when you first woke up. Your dad had just come out of surgery so I was with him. He's okay," she said grabbing onto his hands. She wanted to cry but had to stay strong. All she could do was stare at the bandages covering his chest from the deep cuts the windows had caused him and the brace on his neck. His hand and leg were casted due to several breaks. Doctors had warned that it was very possible that there was nerve damage to the hand. His leg having both a fibula and tibia fracture.

Her husband in a much worse state in the room next door. Kiwoo hadn't been wearing his seatbelt when a car had crashed into them. He had gone through the windshield. Road rash covered his entire torso. His spine being fractured in the process. There was a high risk he would become a paraplegic. In the forty-eight hours, Jimin had been unconscious the man had been touch and go. It was only a few hours ago that the doctor had let her know that he was in stable condition.

Jimin lifted his hand placing it on top of his stomach. He was sore. He immediately noticed it was no longer hard like he had been before. He looked at his mom his eyes glassy. "B-baby?" He whispered. His voice felt hoarse. His mother took a shaky breath letting go of his hand to go over to a pitcher of water.

Jimin watched her as she poured some into a cup grabbing a straw before taking it to him. "Here drink some water. The doctor said your throat would feel scratchy because of the tube they had put down your throat during surgery."

He took a sip but pushed it away quickly when his mom urged him to drink more. "M-my baby," he whispered. "Did she..." Jimin couldn't finish the sentence.

"Baby bear, you have to stay calm, okay?" She said.

It only scared him more. Areum noticed this when the heart monitor picked up his quickened heart rate. "Oh god," Jimin closed his eyes. Tears began to stream down the side of his face.

"She's alive."

Jimin snapped his head in her direction letting out a cry when a sharp came went down his back. The brace on his neck felt lose not doing much to immobilize his movement.

"Hey, be careful," her eyes widened as she cupped his cheek rubbing the pad of her thumb across his cheekbone.

"Is she okay?" He asked hope full but deep down he knew it wasn't likely. Jimin had only been twenty-two weeks pregnant.

His mother stared silently.

"Mom, please tell me she's okay?"

Areum looked away from her son trying to hide her tear-filled eyes. "She- uh- she's fighting. They have her hooked up to a lot of machines but you have to understand she's really underdeveloped. You have to ready yourself for-" she tried to gently push her son down when he tried to sit up. "Stop, you have to relax."

He didn't listen as he tried to get up out of bed. "I need to see her. W-where is she? Let me go I need to go to her!" He tried to push her away ignoring all the pain he felt all over his body. He could practically feel the stitches come undone from his abdomen but he didn't care. He needed to get to his daughter.

"She's in the NICU! You can't see her right now!" His mother shouted. "Jimin, you're hurting yourself."

Jimin just cried. "I need to see her. Please, let me see her!"

Nurses began to rush inside trying to pin down the hysterical male. "Please!"

"Stop!" His mother shouted. The teenager froze. He was breathing heavily and his face was becoming soaked with tears. "I'm sorry, baby. You can't see her right now." She spoke gently.

"Please," he threw his head back as a sob racked through his chest.

"Mr.Park," one of the nurses caught his attention. He could feel the rest slowly let him go. "I will personally make sure you see your daughter as soon as possible. But right now she's too weak to see anyone and you are also not in a state where you can go and see her."

Jimin shook his head. "I just want to see her. Just for a little."

"You can't do that right now," the nurse whispered. "If you want I can go down and get a picture for you but the more you fight the longer you're going to have to wait because you're hurting yourself. You opened your c-section incision so now we have to fix you up and wait till you're strong enough to see her."

The teenager stayed silent. "Would you like me to go get the picture?"

He slowly nodded.

The One Who Got Away // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now