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Jimin walked out crying. His mother was quick to stand. She opened her arms allowing her son to fall into them. "Shh, you're okay," she whispered. "It's over now."

The teenager shook his head. "I couldn't d-d-do it."

His mother simply nodded. "That's okay," she spoke in a gentle tone. She feared her son would break if it was any different. "Let's go to the car."

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders guiding him out of the building. She had to resist the urge to curse out the people standing outside with signs in their hands and shaming him for the abortion. They only made Jimin cry harder.


Jimin sat with a blank expression. Taemin sitting beside him, his arm wrapped around his shoulders. They were sitting on the floor their backs against the couch.

"He hasn't been in my life for years. I shouldn't care if I never see him again,"

The older hums racking his fingers through his friend's hair. "Maybe you shouldn't care. Maybe this was the closure you needed."

"I didn't even tell him about the baby."

"Close enough."

Jimin nodded turning his head practically burring his nose into the blonde's neck. His natural scent mixed in with whatever cologne he was wearing was calming. "You smell good," the younger mumbled.

"Thanks," Taemin whispered. He bit his bottom lip closing his eyes.

"I think I want to go back home for a while," the younger cuddled up closer loving the comfort.


"Do you think you can handle the classes alone for a week or two?"

The older nodded. "Of course, I can. Who do you think I am? I am the king of dance."

Jimin rolled his eyes patting the man's chest. "Don't mistake your position. I am the king you are the prince."

Taemin let out a whine, subconsciously pulling Jimin closer. "Can't we rule together? King and king, side by side." He waved a hand in front of them as if to silently tell Jimin to picture it.

The younger hummed. "I can see what you're trying to say but," he pulled away from him. "No. Only one can be the best," he joked standing up. He rubbed his eyes. "Come on," he reached his hand down to pull Taemin up. "Let's go dye my hair."


"He was about t-to-" Jimin hiccuped. "B-but I freaked out and yelled at him to s-stop," he hugged his midsection. His baby was there. The baby he was so ready to get rid of this morning.

His mother was trying her best to wipe away his tears. "It's okay," she tried to reassure.

"What am I going to do?"

"Well," she sighed. "You are going to tell Yoongi and you two can decide whether you want to keep it or if adoption is the best option for you."

Jimin cried harder. "I don't want to tell Y-Yoon."

Areum shrugged. "Doesn't matter if you don't want to," she starts up the car. "If you want to give the baby up for adoption you'll need his signature of approval."

"Why do I need his approval?" Jimin whispered rubbing his eyes.

"Because if he were to find out at any point that could risk the adoption. And if you keep it and not tell him well that just a shitty thing to do," his mom said.

The teenager sat there thinking for a second. "I'll only tell him after he debuts and finishes promoting. I don't want to distract him."

"You'll be halfway through the pregnancy by then," his mom points out.

"Better late than never."

She sighed but nodded. "Okay. That's only a few months away, either way. I'll make an appointment with an OB so they can check if the baby is okay and healthy."

Jimin kept his hand on his stomach the rest of the way home.


"I don't know maybe I shouldn't blame Hoseok," Jimin mumbled staring up at Taemin as he rinsed his hair in the kitchen sink. "I mean yeah it's his fault that I had to leave but it technically wasn't his fault for what happened after. Just some shitty cause and effect."

Taemin hummed. "I can't tell you how to feel about him. If you hate him then you hate him.

"I guess. It's just part of me can't get over the thought that if he hadn't done that then my life would be so different right now. I probably wouldn't have even considered abortion or adoption. I would probably be raising a seven-year-old now," Jimin's eyes glass over.

The older didn't know what to say. He knew it was a sensitive topic.

The younger sighed. "Sorry. I'll stop talking about it. It must be annoying to constantly hear me talk about this."

"No, I don't mind listening to you talk about it. It was something traumatic that happened. I think you have every right to dislike Hoseok because at the end of the day that's what led to everything," Taemin said as he turned off the water. "And Yoongi's an asshole for even thinking you lied."

The two became silent as Taemin dried his hair. Jimin would scrunch up his nose every time the hot air from the blow drier would hit his forehead. Taemin would stare at him fondly before booping his nose.

"All done," he said finally allowing Jimin to look at himself in the mirror.

Jimin stared at his reflection for a while debating to himself he liked it or not. It was silver, almost a gunpowder grey, color.

He ran his fingers through it a smile slowly making its way to his face. "I love it. Thank you," he turned around hugging him tightly.

Taemin slapped the back of his thighs making the man flinch. "You're welcome. You're now nearly as hot as I."

"Are you saying I wasn't hot before?" Jimin pulled away but still stood close.

Taemin's eyes widened "N-no! You've been hot now you're just hotter. I'd smash."

Jimin rolled his eyes. The older once again slapped the back of his thigh causing Jimin to slap his wrist away. "Okay, but on a serious note how are you getting to your parents since you don't drive."

"I'll take a train then face my fears when my mom picks me up."

"Okay, well you know you can call me if you need someone to talk to."

The silver-haired smiled. "Thank you," he whispered.  

The One Who Got Away // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now