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Jimin cringed taking a sip of his coffee.

"I don't get why you always order that when you hate it," Taemin said eyeing him.

"I don't hate it," he mumbles stirring his straw liking the sound of the ice rattling around.

The older squints his eyes. "Okay, I don't know why you drink that if you dislike it."

The brunette just shrugs his shoulders taking another sip. "So the Together X Tomorrow's manager emailed us tickets for a concert bangtan is performing at. They gave one to all the dancers," he said pausing, "That is if they haven't invited you already."

Rolling his eyes he let out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry I never told you I knew some of them. Get over it!" He said slightly shoving his shoulder. It's been two months since the night of the dinner. Since then he's hung out with the boys, with the exception of Hoseok and Yoongi, twice. They were busy people but they did text him often. It felt nice speaking with them again after so long. He didn't know them for too long before things with Yoongi ended but for the short time, he did know them he was pretty close to them. Especially with Taehyung and Jungkook.

"I'm just saying you could have mentioned it. Maybe they could get us a job as their backup dancers," Taemin said smiling obnoxiously big.

Jimin snorted. "Their manager hates me. If anything he would make sure we're blacklisted from ever working with any of their artists."

The older's eyes widened. "What'd you do?"

He shrugged. "I would love to know that answer myself." He pursed his lips looking over at the window behind Taemin. He stared at his reflection.

"Should I dye my hair?" They had already finished filming all the stages with TXT which meant he could have an unnatural color if he wished. When they work for most idols they weren't allowed to have unnatural colors since it could distract the audience.

Jimin didn't dye his hair often. In his life, he had only dyed it once and it was because he was having a whole ass mental breakdown. He felt like he had no control over anything that was occurring around him. His hair was the one thing he could control. So he cut it, began to style it differently, and dyed it orange. When that still didn't allow him to feel like he had a grip on his life he began to work out like crazy losing weight. It was then that his mom suggested therapy.

Therapy helped. They gave him antidepressants and pills to help with his insomnia. But after a while, Jimin stopped going. He thought he was okay at that point. Yeah, he still couldn't sleep on his own without a little bit of aid and certain things made him anxious but he was slowly easing himself into getting over those things. At least he thought so.

"What color?" Taemin reached over, running his fingers through his friend's hair.

"Don't know. What color suits me?"

Taemin's eyes went wide lighting up. "Oh, you should let me pick the color and dye it. It could be a surprise."

Jimin thought about it. His hair was one of those things that still made him anxious. Yeah, it was just hair but he had full control over it and that was comforting but maybe he also had to let that go. His fist clenching and unclenching. "I-I," he cleared his throat. "Yeah, sure," he whispered.

Taemin smiles. "Yay! It's going to look amazing trust me."

Jimin did trust the man with his hair. Taemin has been doing his own hair since way before Jimin knew him. He alternated between platinum blonde, dirty blonde, and brunette. It looked good on him. If Jimin could get his hair nearly as amazing he'd be fine.


"I auditioned," Yoongi mumbled.

Jimin hummed kicking his legs forward. He was sitting on the old swing set in his backyard. He was swinging ever so slightly every so often twisting his body causing it to swing side to side."How'd it go?"

The line was silent for a moment. "I think I might sign the contract."

The younger let out a gasp his lips spreading into a wide smile. "Oh my god," Jimin giggled happily. "Yes, you should. You'll be one step closer to your dream coming true."

Yoongi fell silent again. This causes his boyfriend to frown. "What's wrong? Shouldn't you be excited."

He heard a sigh on the other end of the phone call. "I am but things between you and I are going so good right now. I would have to leave and we just wouldn't see each other often anymore."

"So? Your future is so much more important than us seeing each other every day," he licked his dry lips. "Yeah, it's going to suck. A lot. But I love you and I know we'll be okay. We'll just be one of those people that are in a long distant relationship."

Yoongi groaned. "Those don't work most of the time."

"We'll be a special case," Jimin said quickly. "Yoongi, you need to do this. You cannot nor will I accept you losing this great opportunity because of me."

"I just wish I could take you with me."

"I wish I could go with you but we both know my parents will never let me move to Seoul just for you."'

"I mean there are some amazing fine arts schools out there."

Jimin bit his lip. "I could apply to some. If I get accepted I could join you there later on." It wasn't a new idea either. He's been doing some research on those schools for a while now. It would be a win-win situation if he managed to get accepted into one of them. He would be able to be near his boyfriend but it would also help him with his dream to be a professional dancer.

"Yeah, but we would still be separated for months," the raven-haired whined.

The younger sighed. "It is what it is. You need to sign that contract so you can live out your dream."

"Yeah but-"

"No buts! Look over all of it carefully with someone. Negotiate shit if you have to and just go for it. We will be fine. We will text, call, facetime, shit if we have to we'll email each other. I will try to visit whenever possible. We'll make it work. You focus on you. Okay?"

Yoongi didn't answer at first. "Okay?!" Jimin said louder.

"Okay," he whispered. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too. Forever and always."


Update on my stats class even though no one cares. So I have the class twice a week. I just finished class about two hours ago as I type this. I won't lie I cried today. Last lecture and this lecture he, as usual, calls on me. I, of course, blank from nerves. He made me feel like the stupidest person for not knowing the answers and scolded me in front of everyone. I also got lost today when he was talking about something that was in an email he sent so I asked him where we were and he proceeded to go "why am I even talking if you aren't listening to me" in an angry tone and tried to scold me some more but some girl stopped him and helped me find the spot he was talking about. After both classes, I just felt super embarrassed and stupid but I thought maybe it's all in my head and he's not being rude to me but when I was talking to a friend explaining how I'm struggling with the class because I'm a visual learner and learning through zoom was a big challenge she proceeded to tell me that she felt like he was being mean to me compared to how patient he was with the majority of the class so I guess it's not just me overthinking. I'm very stressed. That class gives me so much anxiety. I haven't even been able to contact a counselor. I just hope it gets better.

Sorry for the long rant it's just the only place I feel like I can speak freely. Anyways. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Let me know your thoughts and theories. 

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