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Jimin could feel Yoongi's gaze burning into the side of his face.

After telling the boys management had given them a set of tickets they had invited him and his friends backstage.

The concert was for a charity event and bangtan was one of many groups that would be performing. Jimin didn't mind missing one or two performances so he found himself in their dressing room alongside his friends.

Though he instantly regretted the moment he stepped inside. Before walking in Jimin could hear Yoongi's laughter. It was the laughter he had heard thousands of times growing up but hearing it now was like listening to angels sing. But the moment Jimin was spotted the laughter died. It made him feel like he was sucking the happiness out of Yoongi. He didn't want that but now that he's so close to him he doesn't want to leave. Not again.

He could handle the stares and the death glares from the male's boyfriend as well because he knew Hoseok wasn't pleased with his presence. He didn't care. He just wanted to see him.

He ignored the anxious feeling in his chest and tried to focus on the conversation they were having with Taehyung and Jungkook.


It wasn't until Yoongi had made the move to Seoul that Jimin realized how much his day to day involved him.

It wasn't that Jimin depended on him it was just that him not being around sucked. Life was boring now. He was so used to hanging out with him every day at school that now he had nothing to look forward to when he went. Sure he had his other friends but they weren't Yoongi.

Since the older was busy throughout the day between going to school, taking dance and rap lessons, and who know what else they didn't have much time to talk. When Yoongi was done with his schedule for the day Jimin was usually at his dance class. By the time he was done it was late.

The raven hair insisted that he didn't care and would still call. It made Jimin feel bad because he knew the boy was tired but he didn't argue too much because honestly, he missed his boyfriend and best friend.

They spent four months like this. Only short phone calls, the occasional text, and FaceTiming whenever they were both free. Four months and they both missed the other like crazy. They missed seeing each other's faces in person and they missed being able to touch one another, kiss one another, hold one another.

So when Jimin had to go to Seoul for the weekend to audition and interview for the fine art schools he had applied to, the two went into states of euphoria. They counted down the days until finally...

"Yoongi!" Jimin screamed toward the teenager. The older felt an intense giddy feeling overcome him. His feet began to move on their own and soon he was running to meet him halfway. Their bodies collide forcefully causing Jimin to stumble back landing on his back. He was too happy to care.

"I missed you!" Yoongi said not giving Jimin time to respond as he connected their lips in a long-awaited kiss. It was long and sweet and Jimin felt like his heart would burst in his chest. They must have looked odd. Two teenagers laying on the ground kissing in front of an apartment building.

They would have stayed like that for longer if it hadn't been for Jimin's father clearing his throat obnoxiously loud. Yoongi slowly lifted his head grinning at the older man. "Hi, dad!" He exclaimed standing up before reaching his hand down to help Jimin up. Ever since they were little kids Yoongi had gotten into the habit of calling Jimin's parents mom and dad. Neither of them minded since they loved the boy.

Jimin never even attempted to call the raven haired's parents like that because truthfully they scared him a little bit.

"Hi, Yoongi. How are you?" Kiwoo asked as Yoongi gave him a side hug.

"Good! Missing home but good."

Kiwoo nodded. "That's good. Are you ready to go? Areum is already there." Lucky for them Yoongi had the next two days off so they decided he would sleepover at the hotel with them and chill there when Jimin was doing his school stuff. It wouldn't take more than a few hours than they would have the next day all to themselves.

"Yeah. I need to go get my stuff upstairs. Would it be okay if Jimin went inside with me for a second? I just want to introduce him to my bandmates."

Yoongi has been going on and on about his bandmates. He liked them a lot and from what Jimin has heard he's gotten quite close to them in the four-month he was living with them.

Naturally, Jimin wanted to get along with them as well. These were people Yoongi would be spending years with and as his boyfriend that meant he would as well.

Thankfully for him, the majority of them were welcoming.

Taehyung was super sweet and energetic. From the short introduction, Jimin knew they would get along just fine.

Namjoon was kind and, in Jimin's opinion, quite charming but clumsy. In the short time Jimin was there he had managed to break a glass cup. He had stood up from the couch bumping into the table knocking it over.

The eldest member of the group had to stop him from trying to pick up the shards of glass. Jin seemed very responsible, kind, and told the best dad jokes He had told Jimin a few jokes that had him bending over wheezing.

When Jimin met Jungkook he had the strong urge to protect him. He would admit it was partly due to his age. He wasn't that much younger than him only two years but still. The second reason was how shy he was. It was adorable to Jimin.

All in all the four boys were sweet and they were quick to swap socials and phone numbers.

But still, there was one band member that Jimin didn't vibe with immediately.

Maybe it was because instantly the teenager could tell he had an interest in his boyfriend. Or maybe it was the obviously fake sweet attitude he had when they were introduced. He knew it was fake when the boy had rolled his eyes when Yoongi's gaze wasn't on him but he didn't say anything.

Maybe he was just in a bad mood that day so he tried not to judge too much. Jimin could only hope that they grew closer because he didn't plan for Yoongi and him to break up, ever, which meant they would have to see each other for as long as Yoongi and the boy were in the same group.


After about thirty minutes of being there, Jimin and his friends decided it was time for them to head to their seats and leave the boys to finish getting ready.

They were walking out when a shoulder aggressively ran into his. He flinched his hand going up to rub it because truthfully it hurt.

He turned his head eyes instantly meeting the culprit. Hoseok glared at him. Jimin glared back. "Stupid ass," Jimin mumbled under his breath.

Back when Yoongi was a trainee he tried to hard to like him but never could. That dislike turned into hate once the ex-best friends went their separate ways.

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