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"You're parents are right next door!" Yoongi whisper shouted trying to push his boyfriend's hand away.

Jimin giggled shaking his head. "They went to dinner. So," he moved his hand back. Yoongi sucked in air through his teeth. "It's been way too long," he whispered moving to straddle the older's lap. He moved his hand upwards under his shirt lifting it.

"I want to make you feel good," Jimin mumbled as he lowers head landing soft kisses on his boyfriend's chest before lifting his head capturing his lips. "I want you to make me feel good."

Yoongi let out a shaky breath. "Do you mean...?"

The younger bit his lip nodding. "I'm ready." His heart was beating rapidly in his chest. He was nervous but he trusted Yoongi. They've been dating for a while now and he just thought it was time.

"Baby, are you sure?" Jimin nodded. "Okay," Yoongi whispered sitting up gently flipping them over so Jimin was laying on his back with his legs wrapped around his waist. His own heart beginning to accelerate.

The younger smiled up at him cupping his cheeks. "My love," he whispered pulling his head down to connect their lips. "Be gentle with me."

Yoongi nodded his head. "Of course."

"Fire! Ha ha haha!" The five friends sang along at the top of their lungs. They were dancing just like all the other dancers who sat near them.

It's like adrenaline running through Jimin. Army bombs lit up the arena. It wasn't a BTS concert but it sure looked and sounded like one. He had been to only one previously. It was two years ago and he had only gone because Taemin had gotten him a ticket and practically dragged him there. Just like that day, it was an overwhelmingly giddy feeling that coursed through him.

The boys were jumping around the stage. They looked happy. He watched Yoongi move perfectly to the song. Every time it was his part Jimin was practically holding his breath. He was godly. The crowd around them cheered and sang along. They made it.

Jimin never doubted that they would but to actually see how far they have came made him want to cry because this was everything he had ever wanted was his ex-boyfriend.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked one more time. His face and chest were a light shade of pink, the tip of dick pressed against Jimin's entrance. Jimin had just rolled the condom on for him. The brunette had came prepared knowing he wanted to do this.

They had spent nearly an hour warming up to this. Jimin's lips were plump from giving the male head and from biting down on his bottom lip when Yoongi was fingering him. His cheeks, similarly to his boyfriend's, were tinted pink. Partly because he was embarrassed at how much Yoongi was able to wreck him with just his fingers. He had him squirming and covering his mouth to not be obnoxiously loud in case his parents got back. They had the connecting room to theirs so they'd surely hear him.

Jimin nodded. "I'm sure," he whispered gently tugging the raven hair down to connect their lips. He was basking in the feeling of his lover's lips when he felt Yoongi begin to push in. He took a shaky breath. "Sorry," the elder whispered halting his movements. "Are you okay?"

The brunette nodded before glancing down. Yoongi was only one-third of the way in. "Keep going," he mumbled. He looking back up making eye contact with him. His mouth falls open as a soft whine left his lips.

"Does it hurts?" The elder asked once he was all the way in.

Jimin shook his head. "Just a little but nothing too bad. Just give me a second," he said shifting a little causing him to wince and slightly clench around the teenager trying to get used to the feeling. Yoongi groaned dripping his head down so he was hidden in Jimin's neck. He badly wanted to thrust.

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