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"You're turning way too late. You're way out of synch with the rest and then you struggle to catch up. It just doesn't look right so I need to practice on your timing more," Jimin said the teenager. The boy, named Minjun, nodded his head. He looked embarrassed which was the furthest thing that Jimin wanted. He corrected him several times in class but he just couldn't seem to get it so when class was over he decided to talk to him and give him a little more one on one time. Taemin had gone to talk to a few parents that wished to speak with them as well as clock them both out for the day.

"Come, let's practice this together," he said. He turned to the mirror and looked at Minjun in the reflection. He got into the position a few steps before the turn. He began to count. "Five, six, seven, eight, and nine- okay right there. You pause when I say and. Don't do that. Let's try again." He continued again. And they repeated the move until Jimin was satisfied with the way it looked.

"Okay, better. Please continue to practice even when we aren't in class. I want to see you do it like that on Tuesday," he said patting Minjun's shoulder.

"I will. Thank you for taking the extra time to show me," he said bowing his head slightly.

Jimin smiled. "Anytime. Have a good night." He watched the sixteen-year-old rush out of the room before collecting his things as well as grab Taemin's things since the man still hadn't walked back in. He locked the studio door walking down to the employee break room. It was just a small room with a table, couch, and a vending machine. In the corner on the wall was the little machine that scanned your staff ID card to clock in and out. It also had a keypad that you could punch in your ID number which is what Taemin normally did for Jimin when he was running late.

Taemin sat on the couch his phone pressed against his ear. He held up Jimin's card between his fingers. Jimin took it putting it in his wallet. He was about to walk away when Taemin grabbed his wrist signaling him to wait.

With a sigh, the younger took a seat beside him.

"Okay, that works," Taemin mumbled gnawing on the corner of his lip. "Okay, see you tomorrow," he pulled the phone away hanging up before turning to Jimin.

"That was Minho. So Bighit was impressed with our skills," Taemin said. "There are a few other people they are considering so they asked us to submit another video to help them make their final decision." It had been about a few weeks since they had sent out their original audition.

Jimin froze. Bighit? No, they couldn't possibly be auditioning to be backup dancers for the group Jimin is thinking of. "B-Bighit?" He questioned out loud.

Taemin nodded. "Yeah. Didn't we mention it was for Tomorrow X Together? I thought we did."

Jimin could feel his tense muscles relax. "Oh," he whispered "txt." He wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed.

"Yeah, but anyways after you're done with your class we'll be filming the video. Minho thinks we should do a BTS song. He basically wants to kiss their asses so they'll pick us," he explained as they made their way out of the building.

Jimin hummed. He knew a lot of BTS' choreo. How couldn't he? Hell, he and Taemin taught at least one of their dance once a year. It wasn't anything new or special but fuck did it make Jimin feel a slight bit anxious. Maybe because he knew if they did get the job he would have to go to the building a few times to practice with the rest of the dancers. What if for whatever reason they run into each other? No, he's just being insane. They were busy people it wouldn't happen. At least he hoped. "Which song?"

"Boy in Luv," Taemin said. Jimin hummed nodding his head.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," he said. He checked his phone to see how much time he had left until the bus he took arrived.

The One Who Got Away // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now