One Dance

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Zane called a meeting at Death By Decadence, and the six of them arrived just after closing.

"This doesn't look like a suspicious gathering at all," Divya drawled. "If the cops show up, I'm not vouching for any of you."

"You're the only one they're going to arrest," Scarlett scoffed. "No one wears shades at night, boo."

"I-I wear shades at night," Saber muttered.

"Focus, please," Zane remarked as Zain came and let them in.

"Finally!" Desiree cried, bombarding them to get inside and sit in the nearest chair. "Walking all the way here in heels is not cute."

"You should have taken your ass home first," Zain scowled. "Invest in a car - or some flats, woman."

"Alright, everyone, sit down and shut up!" Zane barked. Every sat at the nearest table, most of them begrudged. "Mr. Wayne contacted me last night about a party he's having," she began.

"Seriously?" Scarlett deadpanned. 

"Mr. Wayne?" Zain chuckled bemusedly. "Aren't you more acquainted with his mouth than we are with his manor?"

"S-shut up! That doesn't matter!" she snapped, a dark blush spreading on her cheeks. "He's having a party. A costume party."

"Oh? I'm all ears," Divya purred.

"I've never been," Saber said. "Do we have to go buy some costumes? I don't know any good stores."

"Couldn't Scarlett make them?" Desiree volunteered.

"Like hell!" she hissed. "Saber's already killing me with her designs!"

"FOCUS!" Zane screamed. "He's renting us some costumes. All he needs is everyone's measurements and preferences."

She went around the table and handed out papers and pens. "He needs this tomorrow morning, so we need to fill this out now."

"Couldn't send this in an email?" Zain said dryly. "I mean . . . how hard is it to choose between being a warlock and a paladin?" 

"Just fill it out," she ground out. He hastily lowered his head, scribbling away in a rush.


They arrived at Wayne Manor three days later, hours before the party was set to start. Decorations ran the span of the driveway, courtyard and entryway. 

"Well well well. This looks promising," Zain whistled as he pulled up the van. 

They filed out, marveling at the layout as they headed up the stairs. Before they reached the top, the doors were thrown open, and they were met by a little girl with red hair, wolf ears and an archer's bow. Ezio soon appeared beside her, dressed in a similar attire.

"You made it!" he said, running down the stairs to embrace Scarlett. She hugged him back, eying the girl who was watching her curiously.

"Whose the cute girl, Ezio?" Zain asked. "Is that your girlfriend?"

"NO!" they screamed simultaneously.

"That's gross," Ezio frowned. "Aria is my classmate!"

The girl came down to join them. Her eyes were a brilliant green, which gave Scarlett pause.

"Can we play now, Ezio?" she asked in a light, sweet tone.

"Sure. Mr. Wayne is waiting for you all inside," Ezio informed before running off with his oddly familiar friend.

They headed inside, and Alfred awaited them, carrying a bunch of dress bags. 

"Welcome back," he greeted, and Scarlett gushed like a schoolgirl. "These are your costumes. Please follow me."

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