Chapter 11

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                 Author's note:  Ok, a major plot twist occurs in this chapter.  Can you guess what it is?  Probably something none of you saw coming. I hope you like this part of the book.  It was really fun to write.

Miracles occur right under our snouts every day.  We just don't look closely enough to see them. --Rufus Flycatcher, from Of Mice and Magic.

                                        September 2012


           Lone Warrior was sitting alone in the cave he was using as his hideout.  He sat crosslegged on the ground, a piece of paper on the book in his lap, writing his next military strategy to the U.S. rebel forces.  He signed the letter, sealed it, then sat staring pensively off into space.  He was remembering happy times from his previous life.   He knew it was better this way, and yet it was hard at times.  Today was one of those times.   He thought back to the long night when he'd made one of the hardest decisions he'd ever made.  He'd agonized over what to do all night, weighing each alternative carefully, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each choice he could possibly make.   He'd never felt so torn. It seemed as though his final decision was the best one all around; yet he also knew, if he chose this path, there would be no turning back, and he would start a whole new life as someone else.

           Knowing the consequences, he wasn't sure he wanted to take the leap into the unknown....and yet.   What was the right thing to do? If he left things as they were, he would be happy, but he would only be serving his own interests, and he would probably still lose everything.  He'd made some dangerous enemies.  On the other hand, if he willingly sacrificed everything he had, he would be doing a great service, not only for his loved ones, but also for his comrades in arms, his friends, and his country.   When it was almost daylight, he'd finally made his decision.  He would give up everything he now had and was in order to be a patriot and help save countless lives.

           The minute he made a firm decision on what to do, he felt a strong peace settle over his heart, and he knew without a doubt that he'd made the right decision for him at this time in his life, no matter how difficult it would be, and no matter what other people thought of his decision.  This was exactly where he was supposed to be, and what he was supposed to be doing, at this point in his life.   He had a mission to fulfill, and he meant to do it to the best of his ability.   Still, his heart ached with loneliness.  He sighed, and continued with his instructions.  A minute or so later, he heard a bird call.  He looked outside, curious.  The chirp came again about 30 seconds later.   He yawned, stretched his arms up over his head, and stood up.

           He walked to the cave entrance and made a hand gesture.  A ninja stood up from the bushes close to the cave.  He walked up to his master, bowing slightly.   "News from the main resistance camp.  We got there and inquired after Captain Frost.  We were told he's left on official Air Force business which they can't discuss, and they don't know when he'll return."

           "No.   We were too late.   Not Vin."  The thought made him sad.  He didn't want anything to happen to Vin.   He continued talking with the messenger for several more minutes, exchanging other news.   He also gave him his latest military instructions to send out.   When he was alone again, he sighed heavily.  To think that after all the time and effort he'd put in to get things just right, it might all be for naught.  He wasn't sure what else he could do, though, to prevent the enemy from attacking Vin.  He had no idea where his old friend was, at this point.  He'd have to hope for the best, and send out prayers and energy.

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