Chapter 15

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"Marriage is like fingerprints; each one is different, and each one is beautiful." Maggie Reyes

                                                     March 5, 2013


           A week had gone by quickly.   It was Brina's wedding day, and she was excited.  Her heart was fluttering.  She looked over at Delphin and thought she would melt.  He was so handsome.  It was a beautiful day for it, not a cloud in sight.  Brina was dressed in traditional Dragon People wedding garb, which consisted of a lightweight, multi-colored dress that draped over her from her neck to her feet.   It was almost see-through, but not quite.  On her head she wore a headband with a blue sapphire in the center, which rested on her forehead, right where the third eye was situated, between the eyes.  The sapphire indicated her status as a shaman, as did her medicine pouches, which she wore around her waist and her neck.   Her arms were bare, and the women of the tribe had painted them with fertility symbols, as well as symbols for health, prosperity, and blessings for a married couple.  They had also rebraided her hair and pinned it elaborately around her head.

          She held the looking glass up to her face and was astonished at the transformation.  Even to her own eyes, she looked beautiful, and positively glowed with happiness.  She couldn't remember the last time she'd been this happy.  She was reawakening to the excitement of life. She could feel Snappy in her mind, as well, content because she was content.  It was almost time for the ritual.  The village men were just putting the finishing touches on Delphin's preparations.

          Delphin was attired similar to her.  He had on a loose, flowing, lightweight robe, reddish-brown, with a wide yellow belt around the waist.   He wore leggings of the same color and material, with no head covering.  He had short sleeves, and also had symbols painted on his arms and face.

           Topaz sat off to the side, watching, looking amused.  Lucky you, he thought.   I'm not yet old enough to take a mate, though getting closer.

          All in good time, my friend.  All in good time.  Sometimes I think you have a one-track mind. Is mating all you ever think about?

           Noooo....I have to eat at least once a week...

           Um-hmmm...laughing.  You, dragon friend of mine, are going to get me in trouble.   I'm looking forward to being married, but it's not all I think about.  Brina's a good girl.   She'll be a good wife.  We're going to have good times together, all of us.

           Yes, especially after I find a mate.  But...aren't they about ready for your mating now?

           I believe so.  Yep...wish me luck.

           Leopard's Claw appeared and led him out to the middle of the little village, where the firepit was.  Waipi brought Brina over and set her on the other side of Leopard's Claw.  The shaman took the pair into the center of the circle and had them sit on the ground, one on each side of the firepit.  He gave them the pipe to smoke together.  After they smoked the pipe, he told them to link hands across the coals of the fire.  It was burned down enough that there was no danger of getting burnt.  He chanted a few verses in an ancient ritualistic language, as he danced in a circle clockwise around the couple.  He was shaking rattles and playing the flute.  As the shaman played, tribal members began to beat drums, then play flutes and didgeridos. Combined, the instruments created a haunting, beautiful melody.

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