Chapter 16

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"Time doesn't always heal just blurs things a little." Source unknown

                                                                       July 20, 2013


          Topaz shook his head to get the rain off.  This rider of his, wanting him to go out flying in the wet weather.  On rainy days, he preferred to stay home and sleep all day.  He grumbled to himself, wondering again what was so important to the humans that they couldn't have waited for a better day to go into town.  He didn't suppose he'd ever understand their needs and desires. He thought this complaint to his mother, who was flying right behind him.   He saw her reply within seconds.

          You're young, Topaz. Y ou'll learn.   This trip is important to Brina.  There are things she needs from town, and I heard Delphin and she talking.  There are things he wants to find out from some friends of Brina who live in the town.   You need to anticipate your rider's needs and be happy you can help him meet those needs.

          I guess so.  But what about our needs?  I have a lot of needs too, you know.

           Snapdragon snorted, like a laugh.  They take care of our needs very well.  You know that.   I mean, it doesn't look as though you've missed very many meals.  They let us hunt when we like, keep our secrets, give us companionship...the list goes on.   You don't have to have everything you want right away.

            I know.  I'm just....wet, and it makes me cranky.

          You'll be ok.  After we drop them off, we'll find a nice dry place to hole up and sleep while we wait for them to get ready to go home.

            That sounds nice.  He could already see the trees beginning thin out, and knew they were drawing close to Mal Teuturgo.   Soon they'd get to the place where the riders got off and went in on foot.

           Hey, Delphin, he thought.  You're not going to delay too long, are you?  It seems like it's raining even harder than it was earlier, if that's possible.  I'm getting wet here!   He tried to project an image of urgency.

          Not too long, no.  Two or three hours maybe.  Brina needs herbs, and she said she'd introduce me to some friends of hers.  I need to find out about events going on in the outside world.  I keep feeling more and more like there's things going on I should know about.  I need to be somewhere else, doing something important.

           I'm not important?

          Delphin sighed.  Of course you are, Topaz.   I'm sorry about the weather.  It's the only time we've been able to get away from the village for weeks.  We've all been so busy with house repairs and building up our food supplies, there was no time.  This trip is important.  It could mean the difference between life and death.   I'll get you a special treat for bringing us here today.  I promise.   Ok?  Maybe those fireballs you like.

          Topaz rumbled with satisfaction.  Ok.  Thank you.  Sorry to be a grump.

          It's ok.  I completely understand how miserable it is today.

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