Chapter 8

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Sometimes it is time to leave, even when you don't know where you must go. Rufus Flycatcher, from Of Mice and Magic

          Rowan came to slowly.   Her eyes were closed, but she could hear shouts all around her, and sounds of panic.  Babies were crying, children screaming for their parents.  What the hell? she thought. Weren't we just watching the fireworks?   What happened?   I remember Vin standing up, then there was...some loud noise...and then I guess I fell asleep somehow.  Or have I been asleep the whole time, and dreamed the fireworks and everything?

          She tried to open her eyes.  They were having a hard time opening, almost as though they were glued shut.  With effort, though, finally the lids slowly slid open.  Not that that was much help.  She still couldn't see much.   It felt as though she were on the ground outside, but the odd thing was, there didn't appear to be any car lights, no street lights, no lights from buildings.   After her eyes adjusted a little, she saw stars overhead.  The moon wasn't up.  The light from the stars made it possible to see shadowy forms in the darkness.  She heard what sounded like several gunshots in quick succession; then those stopped, and all she could hear were the sounds of crying and shouting.  She turned her head and saw someone on the ground a foot or so away from her.  "Vin?" she called out.  There was no answer.  She moved her arms and legs.  She didn't appear to be injured.

          She reached out and touched the form at her side, shaking it a little.  It moved, and began to sit up.  It was indeed Vin.   He turned to look at her.  "Kat, querida? Are you okay?"

          "I think so.  What the hell happened?"

          "I'm not really sure.   Maybe a transformer blew or something, knocking out all the lights."

          "Maybe; except I thought I also heard several gunshots right after I woke up."

          "That's strange.  Are you able to get up?"

          She sat up carefully.  Everything seemed ok.  She had a few bruises and scrapes from her fall, but that was it.

          "Where's everybody else?"

          "Well, I saw my parents herding everyone towards the car just a bit before the loud noise. Dad started the car; then the explosion happened."  He had a pocket flashlight in his pocket.  He pulled it out and tried to turn it on.  No luck.  The batteries must have died.   "Is your flashlight working?"

           She tried it.   "Doesn't seem to be."

          "Hmm...well, the car's not far, and it's not too bad to see with the stars.   Let's see if we can find the family."

          He got up, took Rowan's hand, and helped her to her feet.   Her left ankle was a bit sore, so she rested on his shoulder and he helped her hobble over to the car, just a short distance away. What they saw there was astounding.  There was a whole line of cars in the road that ran through the park, but none of them was moving, and none of them would start.  People were milling about in confusion.  No one seemed to know what had happened.

          Enrique and Rosa were sitting in the back of Vin's SUV with their grandchildren and Clay. The children were crying.  The noise, darkness, and confusion had frightened them.

          "Kat, stay here with Rosa and the kids.   Dad and I will go try to find out what's going on."

          "Ok.   My foot doesn't feel like walking right at the moment."

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