Chapter 46 - Noah

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Aside from a small cut to my lip where Azrael clocked me a good one as we wrestled onto Lena's couch and broke her coffee table, the majority of the blood on my hands was from Lena's head.

She's fucking human, you asshole, be careful!

I was at Lena's side immediately and when she passed out, I caught her easily before she hit the ground. I didn't even care about Azrael standing there or that he seemed worried about Lena himself. This was all his fault. He had to play puppet master with everyone's lives and it was only a matter of time before someone got hurt.

No, please, not Lena.

Cradling Lena gently, I put her down on the couch—or what was left of it after we successfully ripped the back from it's base. She was out of it and I had to find a way to stop the bleeding. Crimson liquid coated everything and if she lost anymore, I'd have to rush her to the hospital for sure.

"Move." Azrael demanded and I swore under my breath that if he touched her I would break his arm. When I didn't move and ignored him, he pushed me effortlessly out of the way and I slammed into the nearby wall, sending the hanging pictures shattering to the ground.

Ready to retaliate with my first to his head, I saw what he was doing as he knelt down beside Lena and placed his hand on her forehead. Suddenly, the gushing river of blood ceased and eventually, the cut closed up enough to heal on its own. I was in shock.

"She'll be okay." He said as he stood up and I couldn't believe what I saw on is face as he slowly looked up at me. He was scared. I never thought I'd see the day that Azrael was scared of anything.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I demanded of him but for once, there was nothing cocky about his demeanor. Something had changed him—even if just momentarily. Lena had changed him. She got hurt and it affected Azrael.

Lena was Azrael's weakness.

I had been searching for a way to get to Azrael, a weakness of some sort and the entire time, his weakness was standing right in front of me.

No, you can't put her in danger. She can't be a part of this.

But, it was too late. Thanks to me, Lena was already a part of things.

"I should ask you the same thing." He scoffed at me, regaining that asshole demeanor he usually wore. "I swear you had orders in California."

I clenched my jaw because I just fucking knew that job was a diversion. Azrael sent me away to get close to Lena. I should have seen that before I even left and I hated that I gave him the fucking chance. "Fuck orders." I bit at him as Lena started to regain consciousness on the broken couch.

"Lena?" I called to her but it was a few minutes before she was coherent. She tried to sit up but I told her to stay where she was. She needed to rest and after Azrael left, I would carry her to her bed so that she could.

"Leave." I told Azrael and he was amused with my audacity. As if I hadn't even said a word, Azrael remained unmoved beside the couch with his arms crossed over his chest and a concerned look on his face as he stared down at Lena.

"You forget your place, Noah." Azrael finally said but he left it at that and I knew it was because of her. What had been going on when I walked in? What was the nature of their relationship and why hadn't he killed me yet? It would have made getting to Lena a whole lot easier.

"No, this is my place," I snapped at him, not caring that he could kill me in two seconds flat, "here with Lena. You don't belong here and she doesn't belong to you." I knew that I was pushing my luck but if my theory was right, he wouldn't hurt me—he couldn't hurt me—because what? Did he promise Lena?

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